Toppling the Giant
By Graham P. Collins
作者╱柯林斯 ( Graham P. Collins )
Everyone wants to get a piece of Einstein. Two of the three most common crackpot missives received by scientists and science magazines involve Einstein: claims to have a unified theory (succeeding where Einstein failed) and claims to have proved his theories false. (The third big class of craziness: perpetual-motion machines and infinite-energy sources.) Like cannibals seeking the strength and life spirit of their victims, these misguided amateurs seem to think that by outdoing or disproving Einstein they will acquire all his prestige and acclaim. Of course, all that they disprove is their own competence with basic relativity.
But the crazies are not the only iconoclasts. Many serious and well-qualified researchers also seek to go beyond Einstein, in the way that he went beyond Galileo and Newton. The accompanying article by Alan Kostelecký describes the experimental search for departures from Einsteinian relativity. The analysis he discusses is based on a general “Standard Model Extension” in which all plausible relativity-violating terms are added to the equations of particle physics. This all-encompassing model covers every possible deviation that could trickle down to everyday physics from the high-energy pinnacle of the (as yet undiscovered) ultimate unified theory.
Yet certain putative breaches of relativity have attracted specific attention. One class of theories goes by the name “doubly special relativity,” which has been studied by Giovanni Amelino-Camelia of the University of Rome since 2000 and later by Lee Smolin of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Ontario, João Magueijo of Imperial College London and others. Magueijo, incidentally, fits the label “iconoclast” to a T—as is apparent from his argumentative book Faster Than the Speed of Light.
不過,某些猜想的相對論違逆已經引起相當的注意力。其中有一派理論稱為「雙重狹義相對論」,由義大利羅馬大學的阿梅利諾–卡梅力亞(Giovanni Amelino-Camelia)自2000年開始研究,後來是加拿大安大略省圓周理論物理研究院的斯莫林(Lee Smolin),以及英國倫敦帝國學院的馬古悠(João Magueijo)等。其中,馬古悠更是符合「挑戰權威者」的標籤,這點從他那本爭議性的著作《比光速還快》可明顯看出。
Doubly special relativity is inspired by quantum gravity theories such as loop quantum gravity [see “Atoms of Space and Time,” by Lee Smolin; SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, January], and it imposes a second kind of “speed limit” that works in conjunction with the conventional barrier of the speed of light in a vacuum, also known as c. The idea is that at very short distances the smooth continuity of spacetime should break down into something more granular—like grains of sand or the network of a spider's web. In quantum physics, short distances and short times correspond to high momenta and high energies. Thus, at sufficiently high energy—the so-called Planck energy—a particle should “see” the graininess of spacetime. That violates relativity, which depends on spacetime being smooth down to the tiniest size scales. Reflecting this, in a doubly special theory, just as a particle cannot be accelerated beyond c, it cannot be boosted beyond the Planck energy.
Some of these models predict that extremely high frequency light should travel faster than lower-frequency light. Experimenters are looking for that effect in light from distant explosions called gamma-ray bursts.
But skeptics are unconvinced that these theories are well founded. Some researchers argue, for example, that the equations are physically equivalent to ordinary relativity, just dressed up in enough complexities for that to be unobvious. The proof of the pudding will have to come from a rigorous derivation of such a theory from something more fundamental, such as string theory or loop quantum gravity. Not to mention experimental evidence.
Another infraction that some have contemplated is that c itself has varied over the history of the universe. John W. Moffat of the University of Toronto studied models of this type in the early 1990s, and Magueijo has been a more recent champion of them. If c had been much greater in the very early moments of the big bang, certain effects could have propagated at an extremely fast rate, which would solve some cosmological puzzles.
另外,有些人想像中的相對論違逆理論,真空光速c本身會隨宇宙演進而發生改變,加拿大多倫多大學的莫菲特(John W. Moffat)於1990年代早期開始研究這類模型,馬古悠是此理論最新近的擁護者。若c在大霹靂初期比現在快得多,則某些物理效應可能會以極快的速度傳播,有些宇宙學難題將得以解決。
If c varies, so, too, does the fine structure constant, alpha, which is a dimensionless number that specifies the strength of the electromagnetic interaction. Alpha can be expressed in terms of c, Planck's constant and the charge of the electron. Alpha can therefore also change with c remaining constant, which might not infringe on relativity but would be equally seismic. Such variation in alpha could occur in string theory, where the magnitude of alpha depends on the precise structure of extra tiny dimensions that are appended to the four dimensions of space and time that we know and love [see “The String Theory Landscape,” by Raphael Bousso and Joseph Polchinski, on page 78].
The possibility that alpha might change was considered as long ago as 1955, by the great Russian physicist Lev Landau. Today physicists and astronomers are looking at ancient light from distant quasars for evidence that alpha was slightly different eons ago. Changing alpha would subtly alter the frequency of light emitted or absorbed by atoms and ions. Most searches for such shifts have turned up empty thus far.
α可能發生改變的想法,早在1955年時偉大的蘇俄物理學家蘭道(Lev Landau)便思索過。今日的物理學家與天文學家正試圖從遠方類星體傳來的古老光線,尋找漫長歲月前α曾經改變過的證據。改變的α將會微妙的改變原子、離子所吸收或放射出的光線頻率,不過至今絕大多數搜尋這種變化的努力都落得一場空。
One exception is the results of a group led by John K. Webb of the University of New South Wales in Australia. Those researchers have used a novel method of analyzing the data to achieve finer precision and have reported evidence (albeit statistically somewhat weak) of shifts: between eight billion and 11 billion years ago, alpha appears to have been about six parts in a million feebler than it is today. Such a minute variation is hard to reconcile with the string theory explanation, which predicts long-term stability of constants such as alpha, punctuated by occasional catastrophic changes of great magnitude.
其中有一個例外,是澳洲新南威爾斯大學的韋布(John K. Webb)所領導的研究團隊。這些研究人員利用一種新穎的資料分析法提高精確度,並且已經提出α變化的證據(雖然在統計上略顯薄弱):在80億到110億年前,α比現代值小百萬分之六。這個渺小的變化值很難與弦論的解釋相容,因為弦論預測如α等常數是長期穩定,然後突然劇烈大幅改變其值。
Some researchers, however, assert that the precision claimed by the new method is not correct and that the “shifts” are just statistical fluctuations. In March of this year a team of astronomers led by Patrick Petitjean of the Institute of Astrophysics of Paris and the Observatory of Paris and Raghunathan Srianand of the Inter-University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics in Pune, India, reported using the traditional methods pushed to the limit. They concluded that as far back as 10 billion years, alpha has changed by less than 0.6 part in a million, contradicting the claims of Webb and company.
不過有些研究者認為,這種新方法所宣稱的精準並不正確,而其所謂的「變化」不過只是統計上的起伏而已。今年3月由巴黎天文物理研究所與巴黎天文台的佩提特金(Patrick Petitjean)與印度普納的大學校際物理暨天文物理中心的席恩(Raghunathan Srianand)所帶領的天文學家,將傳統的方法推至極限,結果發現在百億年前,α值改變不到千萬分之六,與韋布等人所宣稱的有段差距。
So far then, Einstein has withstood all challengers. The iconoclasts will have to keep looking for the first chink in his armor.