

Einstein's green refrigerator making a comeback

September 25, 2008 by Lisa Zyga

Einstein Refrigerator

In 1930, Einstein and Leo Szilard designed a refrigerator that required no electricity and had no moving parts.

雖然幾乎人人皆知愛因斯坦如何以他的相對論革新物理學,但大家也許不知道這位偉大的科學家也有居家的一面。好吧,是有這麼一點 -- 在 1930 年,愛因斯坦以及他的前學生席拉德(Leo Szilard,發明核連鎖反應,與馮紐曼、泰勒等人參與美國原子彈計畫)設計了一款冰箱,那無須電力而且沒有可活動的部件。然而,當冰箱技術效率愈來愈高時,愛因斯坦的設計幾乎被遺忘了。

While almost everybody knows how Einstein revolutionized physics with his theories of relativity, many people may not know that the great scientist had a domestic side, too. Well, sort of - in 1930, Einstein and his former student Leo Szilard designed a refrigerator that required no electricity and had no moving parts. However, as refrigerator technology became more efficient, Einstein's design was nearly forgotten.


現在,Malcolm McCulloch,牛津大學一位電機工程師,正試圖要讓愛因斯坦的冰箱東山再起。McCulloch 解釋,這種設計相當環保,且能證明在開發中國裡相當有用,在此冷卻應用的需求正迅速增加。

Now, Malcolm McCulloch, an electrical engineer at Oxford, is trying to bring Einstein's refrigerator back. McCulloch explains that the design is environmentally friendly and could prove especially useful in developing countries, where demand for cooling appliances is quickly increasing.


McCulloch 的團隊最近打造出一個愛因斯坦與席拉德冰箱的原型。那並不是將被稱為氟利昂(freons,譯註:氟氯碳化物的一種,當作冷媒、推進劑、清洗劑、發泡劑等,現已禁用)的人造溫室氣體壓縮(如典型的冰箱一般)相反的,這個原型使用加壓氣體來保持品項冰冷。這款冰箱只需要用一種方式加熱液體,而 McCulloch 正在開發一種太陽能系統,以符合這項需求。

McCulloch's team has recently built a prototype of Einstein and Szilard's refrigerator. Instead of compressing man-made greenhouse gases called freons, as typical refrigerators do, the prototype uses pressurized gas to keep items cold. The refrigerator just requires a way to heat the liquids, and McCulloch has been working on developing a solar energy system to meet this requirement.


The refrigerator is based on the idea that liquids boil at low temperatures when the surrounding air pressure is low.

"如果你爬上聖母峰,水沸騰的溫度會比在海平面上低許多,這是因為大氣壓力在這裡十分低," McCulloch 說。

"If you go to the top of Mount Everest, water boils at a much lower temperature than it does when you´re at sea level, and that´s because the pressure is much lower up there," McCulloch said.


In their refrigerator prototype, the scientists filled a flask with liquid butane (which is also commonly sold as a liquid in cigarette lighters and as a gas for cooking). Then the scientists introduced a new vapor to decrease the air pressure, which decreases the liquid boiling temperature, causing the butane to boil. As the butane boils, it takes energy from the surroundings, and lowers the temperature inside the refrigerator.

雖然愛因斯坦與席拉德的原始設計並不如取代它們的氟利昂冰箱那般有效率,但 McCulloch 計畫利用不同種類的氣體來改善這種設計。他預料這些改良能超越這種冰箱的效率達四倍。

Although Einstein and Szilard´s original design was not as efficient as the freon refrigerators that replaced them, McCulloch plans to improve the design by using different kinds of gases. He predicts these improvements could quadruple the refrigerator´s efficiency.


The fact that the refrigerator has no moving parts could also be advantageous, he explains, as it would require minimal maintenance and so could be particularly useful in rural areas.

McCulloch 強調這款冰箱仍只是個原型,但他希望有一天能將它商業化。這項研究是他團隊三年計畫的一部份,要開發堅固耐用的應用,可用在沒有電力的地區。

McCulloch emphasizes that the refrigerator is still just a prototype, but he hopes to one day commercialize it. The work is part of his team's three-year project to develop robust appliances that can be used in locations without electricity.

via: The Guardian :


※ 愛因斯坦冰箱的設計參見原站。




Can the Sun Keep You Cool?

Underconstruction_0805 我 可能沒必要告訴你這禮拜到底有多熱 -- 昨天幾乎在這個國家當中的每個州,溫度都高於 32℃,有些則在其邊緣。如同我們已知,悶熱(oppressive heat)代表能量的消耗,這種惡性循環會讓溫室效應永遠存在。紐約州的電力公司,Con Edison,被報導在本週早先出現空前的使用記錄,那時人們都在室內讓他們的冷氣拚命運轉,導致該市散亂的停電。但如果我們的冷氣能夠攔住太陽過度的熱 量,並且將其轉變為拯救生命的冷氣時會怎樣呢?位在佛羅里達的 Matteran Energy 或許能幫我們辦到。

I probably don’t have to tell you that it’s been hot this week—almost every state in the country reported a high temperature above 90°F somewhere within its borders yesterday. And as we all know, oppressive heat means oppressive energy consumption, a vicious cycle that perpetuates the effects of global warming. New York City’s power company, Con Edison, reported all-time usage records earlier this week as people remained indoors with their air conditioning cranked, causing scattered blackouts across the city (our managing editor has been without power for three days). But what if our air conditioners were able to harness some of the sun’s wicked heat and turn it into the life-saving cool air on which our comfort depends? Florida-based Matteran Energy might be able to help us do just that.

他們並非使用昂貴的太陽能電池(photovoltaic cell)直接將太陽輻射轉換成電流,Matteran 的解決方案使用便宜很多的熱量收集技術來將一種合成的液體加熱,該液體具有很低的沸點(14.4℃),建立足夠的蒸汽來驅動一個特製的渦輪機。雖然液態循環系統將熱轉換成電並非新技術,Matteran的創新解決方案卻能增加該系統的效能,讓小規模應用更具經濟效益(詳見該公司網站上詳盡的動畫說明:

Instead of using expensive photovoltaic cells to convert solar radiation to electricity directly, Matteran’s solution uses far-cheaper thermal-collection technology to heat a synthetic fluid with a very low boiling point (around 58°F), creating enough steam to drive a specially designed turbine. And although a fluid-circuit system converting heat into electricity is nothing new, Matteran’s innovative solution increases the system’s efficiency to a point where small-scale applications make economic sense (see the animation on the company’s Web site for a more thorough explanation).

到目前為止,Matteran 只建立少量的製冷設備,不過這項技術正朝下一階段邁進,將建立一套裝製,其冷卻力與標準的窗型冷氣相當,它是由太陽的熱量來加熱 -- 不過我不認為我們的排碳工廠會很快消失。


So far, Matteran has created only small amounts of refrigeration, but the technology is in place to take the next step, creating a unit with the equivalent cooling of a standard window-mounted A/C that is powered entirely by the sun’s heat—something I don’t think our carbon-choked  planet will be running out of anytime soon. —John Mahoney

Link – (via Treehugger)


※ 相關報導:

* Matteran Energy

It's Pretty Easy Being Green
The Life Aquatic

基本上這是結合冷氣機與發電機,並且巧妙利用熱交換原理的發明,其熱力來原可以是空氣當中的熱量,根據該網站,Matteran Energy 的專利技術可以透過更有效率的方式收集溫度,比之前的 Rankine cycles 系統更加有效率(這種熱力學的循環是在 1995 年由 Jeff Sterling [不是史特林引擎發明者]所發明的)。



太陽能冷氣機 瑞典研發成功 

【聯合晚報/編譯朱小明/綜合報導】 2007.02.03

瑞典「Climate Well」公司研發成功高效能太陽能冷氣機,由於無需冷媒,




Climate Well的發明主要優點是能把太陽能量儲存起來,儲熱原理是把水和









太陽能蒸餾、熱水... 節能新發明 


【聯合報╱記者周宗禎/永康報導】 2008.10.15






參與研發「儲能追光式太陽能真空管熱水器」的學生顏子哲表示,新熱水器以3種不同隔熱耗材儲存太陽能量,並利用真空管加上追光 ﹝隨著太陽的光線變換角度﹞系統,提升加熱效率,同樣面積產生的熱能比傳統平板式熱水器多出3倍以上。








太陽能冷氣/太陽越烈 冷氣越冷 


【聯合報╱編譯陳世欽/報導】 2009.06.27






Thermodyna老闆柏格爾特(Volker Bergholter)表示:「這種設備不使用電子零件,而且幾乎沒有任何零組件。」他強調,這種機器「感覺上非常簡單」,只需要兩部電機就可以生產涼爽空氣。













中央社 2009.07.25
















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