
At Stanford, nanotubes + ink + paper = equal instant battery (w/ Video)

By Janelle Weaver, December 7, 2009

At Stanford, nanotubes + ink + paper = equal instant battery (w/ Video)Bing Hu, a post-doctoral fellow, prepares a small square of ordinary paper to with an ink that will deposit nanotubes on the surface that can then be charged with energy to create a battery.

(PhysOrg.com) -- Stanford scientists are harnessing nanotechnology to quickly produce ultra-lightweight, bendable batteries and supercapacitors in the form of everyday paper.

(PhysOrg.com) -- Stanford 科學家正在駕馭奈米技術,以日常所用的紙張形態,迅速生產超輕量、可曲折的電池與超級電容器(supercapacitors)。

Yi Cui(崔屹,材料科學與工程助教授)表示,只要在一張紙上塗佈以奈米碳管與銀奈米線製成的墨水,就能夠製造出高傳導性的儲存裝置。

Simply coating a sheet of paper with ink made of carbon nanotubes and silver nanowires makes a highly conductive storage device, said Yi Cui, assistant professor of materials science and engineering.

"社會真的需要低成本、高效能的能源儲存裝置,例如電池與簡單的超級電容," 他說。

 "Society really needs a low-cost, high-performance energy storage device, such as batteries and simple supercapacitors," he said.

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Dip an ordinary piece of paper into ink infused with carbon nanotubes and silver nanowires, and it turns into a battery or supercapacitor. Crumple the piece of paper, and it still works. Stanford researcher Yi Cui sees many uses for this new way of storing electricity. Credit: Jack Hubbard, Stanford News Service


Like batteries, capacitors hold an electric charge, but for a shorter period of time. However, capacitors can store and discharge electricity much more rapidly than a battery.

Cui 的研究以「Highly Conductive Paper for Energy Storage Devices」為題,發表在今日的 PNAS 上。將一張普通的紙浸入已注入奈米碳管與銀奈米線的墨水中,它就能變成電池或是超級電容器。

Cui's work is reported in the paper "Highly Conductive Paper for Energy Storage Devices," published online this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

" 這些奈米材料很特別," Cui 說。"它們是直徑非常小的一維結構," 直徑小幫助奈米材料緊緊吸附在纖維構成的紙上,使得電池與超級電容經久耐用。這種紙超級電容器能維持 4 萬次的充、放電循環 -- 至少比鋰電池多十倍。這些奈米材料也製造理想的導體,因為它們在移動電流上比一般導體更有效率,Cui 表示。

"These nanomaterials are special," Cui said. "They're a one-dimensional structure with very small diameters." The small diameter helps the nanomaterial ink stick strongly to the fibrous paper, making the battery and supercapacitor very durable. The paper supercapacitor may last through 40,000 charge-discharge cycles - at least an order of magnitude more than lithium batteries. The nanomaterials also make ideal conductors because they move electricity along much more efficiently than ordinary conductors, Cui said.

Cui 先前曾利用塑膠創造奈米材料能量儲存裝置。他的新研究證明,電池更為持久,因為墨水牢固地吸附在紙張上(回答問題,「紙還是塑膠」?)更讚的是,你能弄皺 或摺疊紙電池,或將它浸泡在酸性或鹼性溶液中,而效能不會降低。"我們就差沒試過,當你燒了它會發生什麼事," 他說。

Cui had previously created nanomaterial energy storage devices using plastics. His new research shows that a paper battery is more durable because the ink adheres more strongly to paper (answering the question, "Paper or plastic?"). What's more, you can crumple or fold the paper battery, or even soak it in acidic or basic solutions, and the performance does not degrade. "We just haven't tested what happens when you burn it," he said.

紙的彈性使許多靈巧的應用成為可能。"如果我想讓我的牆塗上導電的能源儲存裝置," Cui 表示,"我可以用一把刷子。" 在他的實驗室中,他把紙電池連到一個 LED 上(那大放光明),像訪客展示這款電池。

The flexibility of paper allows for many clever applications. "If I want to paint my wall with a conducting energy storage device," Cui said, "I can use a brush." In his lab, he demonstrated the battery to a visitor by connecting it to an LED (light-emitting diode), which glowed brightly.

紙超級電容器,也許對於電動車或混合車這樣的應用特別有用,那倚賴電力迅速的傳遞。紙超級電容的高表面與體積比(surface-to-volume ratio)讓它佔有優勢。

A paper supercapacitor may be especially useful for applications like electric or hybrid cars, which depend on the quick transfer of electricity. The paper supercapacitor's high surface-to-volume ratio gives it an advantage.

"這項技術有潛力在短時間內商業化," UCB 化學教授 Peidong Yang(楊培東)表示。"我不認為它會被限制在能源儲存裝置上," 他說。"那有潛力在許多電子裝置中成為非常棒的、低成本的彈性電極。"

"This technology has potential to be commercialized within a short time," said Peidong Yang, professor of chemistry at the University of California-Berkeley. "I don't think it will be limited to just energy storage devices," he said. "This is potentially a very nice, low-cost, flexible electrode for any electrical device."

Cui 預測,最大的影像莫過於分散電力網(distribution grid)上的大規模電力儲存裝置。例如,在夜間所產生的過量電力能被儲存以供日間尖峰時段使用。風力農場與太陽能系統也需要儲存器。

Cui predicts the biggest impact may be in large-scale storage of electricity on the distribution grid. Excess electricity generated at night, for example, could be saved for peak-use periods during the day. Wind farms and solar energy systems also may require storage.

"這種紙(電池)最重要的部份是,一種日常生活中的簡單事物 -- 紙 -- 能當作基質運用,透過簡單的製程製造出實用的導電電極," Yang 表示。"那基本上是與日常生活相關的奈米技術。"

"The most important part of this paper is how a simple thing in daily life - paper - can be used as a substrate to make functional conductive electrodes by a simple process," Yang said. "It's nanotechnology related to daily life, essentially."

Cui 的研究團隊包括博士後學者 Liangbing Hu(胡良斌)與 JangWook Choi(周建沃),以及畢業生 Yuan Yang(楊洋)

Cui's research team includes postdoctoral scholars Liangbing Hu and JangWook Choi, and graduate student Yuan Yang.

Provided by Stanford University

※ 括號內姓名均為音譯。

◆ 紙電池 能源儲存新兵







史丹福大學材料科學與工程助理教授、也是研究員之一的崔屹(Yi Cui)說,現在社會上非常需要低成本、高效能的能源儲存設備,例如電池和簡單的超電容器。




◆ 銀+奈米碳塗料/輕薄紙電池 儲能新希望

自由時報 2009.12.09


成本低 可用在各類電器

史 丹福材料科學與工程學系助理教授,同時也是研究報告共同撰稿人崔屹(Yi Cui)指出,電池和簡單的超級電容(supercapacitors)等這類低成本、高效能的能源儲存裝置,正符合當前社會需求。除攜帶式與穿戴式電子 產品外,充當超級電容的紙張,還可以應用在即時需要高電量的各類電器上。此外,由於這種紙電池或超級電容可將成本壓到極低,電容和電池一樣可儲存電荷,但 時間較短,但電容的充放電速度要比電池快上許多。

可充放電四萬次 傳輸快

只要在一張紙上塗上由奈米碳管和奈米銀線組成的 塗料,紙張馬上就會變成高導電性的儲能裝置。崔屹指出,這些單維結構奈米材料的直徑很小,使塗料得以緊密地附著在紙張上,充當電池或超級電容都很耐久。紙 超級電容可充放電四萬次,比現有的鋰電池還強。這些奈米材料也是十分理想的導體,因為它們傳輸電力的效率要比一般導體高出許多。

相較於目 前筆記型電腦等電子裝置使用的鋰電池,以往的研究曾發現,矽奈米線能用來製造電力達鋰電池十倍的電池。這份發表於「美國國家科學院院刊」網路版的研究報告 指出,這類電池能有效應用在電動與油電混合車上,除了讓電子產品重量減輕、壽命更長外,未來甚至可能導致紙電子產品的誕生。

加州大學柏克萊分校化學系教授楊培東(Peidong Yang)認為,這項技術具有在短期內商業化的潛力,而且範圍將不限於儲能裝置。

※ 相關報導:

* Highly conductive paper for energy-storage devices

Liangbing Hu, Jang Wook Choi, Yuan Yang, Sangmoo Jeong,
Fabio La Mantia, Li-Feng Cui and Yi Cui
PNAS Published online before print December 7, 2009,
doi: 10.1073/pnas.0908858106

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