科學新發現/隕石對撞 恐龍滅絕遠因
2007/09/07 04:09
一億六千萬年前 宇宙驚天爆
這項發表於最新一期「自然」期刊的研究,試圖解釋過去一、兩億年間,為何地球與月球隕石坑形成的速率顯然增加一倍。美國西 南研究院伯特基教授領導的研究小組,追蹤到約一億六千五百萬年前一場隕石撞擊事件。他們所作的電腦模擬資料及化學分析顯示,當時一顆直徑一七○公里的大隕 石,遭一顆直徑六十公里的較小隕石以每秒三公里的速度撞擊,而裂解為成千上萬個小流星,形成現在我們所知的「Baptistina流星家族」。
解 體後產生的隕石碎片,不斷撞擊地球、月球、金星及火星表面,留下的「傷痕」至今可見。其中一塊體積較大的碎片,在太空中盤旋九千五百萬年後,撞擊地球,造 成距今六千五百萬年前的白堊紀─第三紀物種大滅絕事件,並在猶加敦半島形成一個稱為Chicxulub的隕石坑,導致恐龍滅絕。
近地天體 三分之一來自Baptistina
Baptistina流星雨持 續對地球構成威脅,它產生的小隕石中,至少一千顆直徑都在一公里以上。據統計,目前運行軌道與地球軌道相交的「近地天體」中,有五分之一至三分之一都屬於 Baptistina流星家族。不過,這些近地天體與地球相撞的機率極低,地球遭直徑十公里的外太空物體撞擊,更是平均三億五千萬年才會發生一次。
Asteroid impacts
Baptistina's terrible daughters
IT WAS once suggested, to illustrate the chaotic and unpredictable way in which natural systems behave, that the beat of a butterfly's wing in China could eventually trigger a hurricane in the Atlantic. A bit of an exaggeration, perhaps, but the point was that even in the theoretically deterministic world of Newtonian mechanics, only a small amount of complexity is needed to make practical prediction well nigh impossible.
Thus it is perhaps not as far-fetched as it sounds to suggest that the collision 160m years ago of two space rocks, albeit quite large ones, resulted in the stormy death almost 100m years later of the dinosaurs and many other species on Earth. For although the orbits of the planets look to astronomers like a model of regular, Newtonian clockwork, on a scale of millions of years, the solar system is every bit as chaotic as the Earth's weather.
That such a collision was, indeed, responsible for the demise of the dinosaurs is a suggestion made in the September 6th issue of Nature by William Bottke and his colleagues at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. Dr Bottke has been tracking the orbits of asteroids. These rocky minor planets, most of which are located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, often come in families. Members share both chemical composition (which can be deduced from the spectrum of the light they reflect) and orbital characteristics. The assumption is that such families are the daughters of single, larger bodies that have been hit by other asteroids and smashed into pieces. Dr Bottke thinks he has traced one such family back to its original collision.
「這樣的撞擊確實造成了恐龍的滅亡」,科羅拉多州玻爾得的西南研究所的William Bottke和他的同事們在 9月6日那期的《自然》雜誌上如是說。Bottke博士一直在追蹤小行星的運行軌跡。這些隕石小行星大部分在火星和木星的軌道間,且大都以「家族成員」的形式出現。研究人員借助其化學成分(可由光反射譜推得)和軌道特徵的資料,得出這樣的結論:這些「家族成員」是單親的「女兒」,大行星被其它小行星撞碎為數塊。Bottke博士說他已從其中一顆小行星追溯到最早的撞擊。
A smashing time
The largest member of the family in question is called Baptistina, and is some 40km (25 miles) across. In addition to her, the team identified many more than 2,000 smaller objects as belonging to the same family. They were able to do this by looking at those asteroids' orbits in detail.
One of the chaotic things that happen to the paths taken by asteroids is caused by sunlight, and is known as the Yarkovsky effect. Just as most orbiting planets spin on their axes, so asteroids also rotate. When part of an asteroid's surface passes from night to day, it starts to warm up. Because of thermal inertia, the time at which it reaches its maximum temperature comes somewhat after local 「noon」, a phenomenon that any sunbather will recognise. Since the heat it radiates back into space depends on its temperature, the afternoon side of an asteroid radiates more heat than the morning side. The reaction to this radiation is greater on the afternoon side than on the morning side and there is thus a small force pushing on the afternoon side that gradually distorts the asteroid's orbit. The smaller the asteroid in question, the faster that distortion happens.
小行星的軌道混亂無序的原因之一是由光照引起,被稱作雅科夫斯基效應(Yarkovsky effect)。 正如其它沿軌道運行的行星自轉一樣,這些小行星也有自轉。當一個小行星的部分表面由黑夜轉入天明時開始轉暖。由於熱慣性,當溫度達到最高時常在「正午」偏 後,日光浴者深知這一現象。正因為輻射回宇宙的熱量取決於其溫度的高低,所以,小行星的下午會比上午輻射更多的熱量。下午的熱輻射反作用力就大於上午,因 此,始終有那麼點力作用於下午一側,逐漸地就使小行星偏離軌道。小行星越小,偏離軌道就越快。
The result is that the daughters of Baptistina have become scattered farther and farther away from their mother. From the pattern of this scattering, and from the sizes of the asteroids (which tells you how fast they will scatter), it is possible to calculate the date of the original collision. That turns out to be 160m years ago, give or take about 20m years.
That the dinosaurs were killed off 65m years ago by an asteroid impact is now widely accepted. Dr Bottke's contention is that the deed was done by one of Baptistina's daughters. His evidence is twofold. First, the surviving debris from the devastating impact has the same composition as Baptistina and her offspring. That is a necessary but not a sufficient condition, as the type of rock involved, called carbonaceous chondrite, is found in other asteroids, too. The second line of evidence is the 「case of the missing daughters」.
The cluster of Baptistina's young has a gap in it. This corresponds to a place where the gravitational pulls of Mars and Jupiter have conspired to change the orbits of any asteroids much faster than the Yarkovsky effect could manage alone. Such asteroids would rapidly have adopted orbits that cut across those of the inner planets, including Earth. Many of the larger ones would have started arriving about 100m years ago. Sooner or later, collisions would have been inevitable.
Baptistina的後代各不相同。與此相一致的是,在火星和木星共同的引力作用下改變小行星的軌道要比單一的雅科夫斯基效應(Yarkovsky effect)改變其軌道要快得多。這些小行星在橫越其它內部行星後就會快速改變軌道,其中也包括地球。有些較大的可能在1億年前出現。碰撞遲早是不可避免的。
Those collisions are why the asteroids that ought to be in the space are missing. They are probably also the explanation for the fact that, over the past 100m years or so, the number of asteroids that have hit the Earth is about twice that which would have been expected. Taking into account the circumstances that pertained 65m years ago, Dr Bottke reckons it more than 90% probable that the dinosaur killer was one of Baptistina's daughters.
The hole made by that collision, in what is now the Yucatan Peninsula in southern Mexico, has long since been buried in thick layers of sediment under the sea. But anyone with a pair of field glasses can see for himself what Baptistina's daughters are capable of.
The lunar crater named after Tycho Brahe, a 16th century Danish astronomer, near the moon's south pole, is 85km across. It is surrounded by rays of ejecta that stretch across much of the southern lunar hemisphere, indicating the violence of the impact that formed it. It is thought to be just over 100m years old (Apollo 17 brought back material from the site, which allowed it to be dated), and it is reckoned by Dr Bottke to be the result of the moon encountering one of the first of Baptistina's progeny to arrive in the inner solar system. It is a beautiful sight. But you would not have wanted to witness, at close quarters, its creation.
1.6億年前隕石 滅絕恐龍