Dipping Candles, Part 2 of 4

1. Measure a length of wick equal to twice the length of the desired candles plus 4 inches (10 cm).

2. Tie one small weight on each end of the wick.

3. Cut a 2-inch (5 cm) square of cardboard for a candle frame. Cut a 1/2-inch- (12 mm) deep slash on opposite sides of the cardboard. Find the center point of the wick and align it with the center of the cardboard (1 inch [2.5 cm] from the edge). Push the two lengths of wick into the slashes. Equal lengths of wick should hang on either side of the cardboard square, with a 1-inch (2.5 cm) piece across the top of it.

4. Heat the wax in a double boiler. The wax must be 10° above its melting point (155° F/68° C for mediummelting point paraffin and stearic acid; 165° F/74° C for the beeswax formula). Add color and scent if desired.

5. Fill dipping can with wax to 1 inch (2.5 cm) from top. Add wax as needed throughout the process to keep it at this level.

6. Dip the wicks down into the wax until only 1 inch (2.5 cm) of the wicks shows below the cardboard. Hold for 30 seconds (to let air imagebubbles out of wicks). When you see no more air bubbles, pull up the wicks slowly and steadily.

Dip the wicks into hot wax and pull out smoothly and slowly.


14,000 Things To Be Happy About• herringbone tweed
• a center-hall Colonial house
• temperance
• a free day
• blank pages ready for writing

Our 「rule-breaking」 may say more about the insanity of the rule than it does about our own sanity.

Besides, rule-breaking can be fun!

The Original SUDOKU Calendar
Easy Easy PuzzleTime: _______

Did you hear the one about the bank manager who was shy and retiring?

He was shy by about $500,000, so he's retiring.

PERFECT MATCHdifficultyWhich two figures match perfectly?


Hint: Neither figure 5 nor figure 6 is part of the perfect match.


A coming-of-age story for girls that charmed critics and readers』 groups. Evelyn is a high schooler who lives with her mother in rural Kansas, struggling to survive in poverty and realizing that her brains may be her ticket out. The book is a tender portrait of mother and daughter that Anna Quindlen called 「authentic and intelligent」 and that reminded USA Today of To Kill a Mockingbird.
THE CENTER OF EVERYTHING, by Laura Moriarty (Hyperion, 2004)

adj : characterized by chance or random elements
The aleatory nature of lottery drawings makes it impossible to predict the winners.


If you're the gambling type, chances are good that you've come across 「aleatory」 in your travels. Deriving from the Latin noun alea, which refers to a kind of dice game, 「aleatory」 was first used in English in the late 17th century to describe things that are dependent on uncertain odds, much like a roll of the dice. The term now describes things that occur by sheer chance or accident, such as the unlucky bounce of a golf shot or the unusual shape of an ink blot. Going a bit further, the phrase 「aleatory music」 refers to a musical composition in which certain parts are left for the performer to concoct through improvisation.


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