VOCAL 系統設定
軟體名稱 : VOCAL (Vovida Open Communication Application Library)
軟體版本 : 1.5.0 軟體網頁 : 軟體下載 : 當vocal軟體安裝完畢之後需要做好設定vocal才可以執行,vocal本身具有彈性,可以將各種不同的service分別在不同的主機上執行,或者是都於同一台主機上執行,也就是具有scaling能力. 在建立一個普通的測試用系統上可以將所有的service都執行在同一台主機上,執行以下程式: /usr/local/vocal/bin/allinoneconfigure/allinoneconfigure 會出現以下畫面 : WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING The following will destroy any VOCAL configuration that you currently have on your system. If you would like to exit, press Control-C now. WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING Please press Enter to continue, or q to quit []: 請按enter鍵繼續 I am using files from /usr/local/vocal/bin/allinoneconfigure. Is this OK? [y]: 請按y繼續 Welcome to the VOCAL all-in-one configuration system. This program is intended to configure a small example system which has all of the servers running on one box, known as an "all-in-one" system. This all-in-one system is NOT intended as a production system, but as a simple example to get users started using VOCAL. This configuration WILL destroy any currently configured system on this machine. If this is not acceptable, please quit by pressing Control-C now. Host IP Address []: 請輸入主機所在的ip位址 Remote Contact hostname or address (this should NOT be loopback or []]: 請輸入主機所在的ip位址或是主機名稱,但輸入ip位址的話不可以為127.0.0.1 Multicast Heartbeat IP Address []: 直接按enter即可 Multicast Heartbeat Port (0 to deactivate heartbeat) [0]: 直接按enter即可 Log Level [LOG_NOTICE]: 直接按enter即可 User to run as [nobody]: 這個部分請視你的web server設定做修改,以redhat系統而言,預設為apache,而其他系統有些是以nobody為web server預設的身份,所以請先檢查一下你自己的設定,填入適當的使用者身份 HTML directory to install .jar and .html files into [/usr/local/vocal/html]: 直接按enter即可 CGI-BIN directory to install web-based provisioning cgi files into [/usr/local/vocal/cgi-bin]: 直接按enter即可 Provisioning your VOCAL system requires the ability to view the contents of /usr/local/vocal/html from the web. There are two ways to do this -- review both options before answering the next prompt. Option 1: Step 1: Answer y to the next prompt. This will let this script attempt to add the following to your Apache httpd.conf file: Alias /vocal "/usr/local/vocal/html" AllowOverride None Options ExecCGI Order allow,deny Allow from all Adding this script creates an alias from the following URL: http://vserver2/vocal/ which points to /usr/local/vocal/html . Step 2: After this script has completed running, restart your copy of Apache (httpd) for the change to take effect. Option 2: Answer n to the next prompt. Then, manually copy the directory /usr/local/vocal/html to HTML directory for your web server. You should not need to restart your copy of Apache after the script has completed running. ******** Add * HTML * directory alias ******** Would you like this script to attempt Option 1, Step 1 (y), or would you like to perform Option 2 manually (n)? (If y, you must restart Apache after this script has completed running.) [y]: 請按y繼續 Directory where Apache's httpd.conf is located [/etc/httpd/conf]: 直接按enter即可 Would you like to enable the web-based configuration of VOCAL? There are two ways to do this -- review both options before answering the next prompt. ******************************************************************* Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning ******************************************************************* Both of these options change your web server to run additional code. Please make sure that you take a look at the code and are comfortable running it on your web server. Option 1: Step 1: Answer y to the next prompt. This will let this script attempt to add the following to your Apache httpd.conf file: ScriptAlias /vocalconf/ "/usr/local/vocal/cgi-bin" AllowOverride None Options ExecCGI Order allow,deny Allow from all Adding this script creates an alias from the following URL: http://vserver2/vocalconf/ which points to /usr/local/vocal/cgi-bin . Step 2: After this script has completed running, restart your copy of Apache (httpd) for the change to take effect. Option 2: Answer n to the next prompt. Then, manually copy the directory /usr/local/vocal/html to HTML directory for your web server. You should not need to restart your copy of Apache after the script has completed running. ----------- Add - CGI-BIN - alias ----------- Would you like this script to attempt Option 1, Step 1 (y), or would you like to perform Option 2 manually (n)? (If y, you must restart Apache after this script has completed running.) [y]: 直接按enter即可 The apache web server runs CGI scripts as this user [apache]: 直接按enter即可 Would you like me to automatically generate a password (enter y to generate a password, or n to choose your own) [n]: 這裡為設定系統密碼,作為日後進入系統的密碼憑證.密碼產生的方法有兩種,一種是由系統隨機產生的亂數,一種為使用者自行指定.想要由系統自動產生的話選y,要由使用者自訂的話選n. 一搬來說建議由使用者指定自己常用的密碼會比較好記,所以我選n[/n] 選n的話會出現 Enter Password: Retype Password: [b]輸入你要設定的密碼內容兩次以確保密碼正確性 選y的話螢幕上會出現一組亂數產生的密碼,請用紙筆將此密碼記下. Path to openssl program, or none to not configure SSL support [/usr/bin/openssl]: 直接按enter即可 ****************************** Configuration: Host IP Address: Remote Contact Address: Multicast Heartbeat IP Address: Multicast Heartbeat Port: 0 Log Level: LOG_NOTICE User to run as: nobody HTML directory: /usr/local/vocal/html CGI directory: /usr/local/vocal/cgi-bin Apache will run as: apache Openssl: /usr/bin/openssl Add alias to: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf Add CGI to: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf ****************************** Continue []: 當出現以上文字時即表示設定已經完成,請檢查以上所有設定, 如果正確無誤請按y再按enter,如果不正確請按n再按enter放棄設定. 沒問題的話請按y再按enter繼續. ********************************************************************** Beginning the VOCAL configuration process. This may take a few seconds. Generating RSA private key, 512 bit long modulus ......++++++++++++ ..........++++++++++++ e is 65537 (0x10001) Using configuration from /tmp/mkreq.txt.14716 Using configuration from /usr/share/ssl/openssl.cnf Done. ****************************** IMPORTANT INFORMATION ****************************** Your VOCAL system is just about ready to run. Please be aware of the following information: * To configure your system, go to http://vserver2/vocal/ And select one of the links there. Here is your information to log into the Web Based Provisioning system: User Name: vocal Password: * If you lose this information, you can reset the password using allinoneconfigure -r 當看到上述文字出現時,表示軟體的設定已經完成. 當設定完成後,可以使用web browser (IE,mozilla,firefox,opera...)來開啟管理頁面,不過必須先將web server重新啟動以載入新的設定值,執行 : /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 重新啟動web server之後可以藉由在瀏覽器上輸入 http://<主機名稱或是ip位址>/vocal/ 即可見到登入畫面,以vocal為登入名稱及剛才你所輸入的密碼或是由系統亂數產生的密碼便可以登入了. 當完成allinoneconfigure程序之後,最好先檢查一下vocal程式是否已經啟動執行,可藉由以下指令查詢 : /usr/local/vocal/bin/vocalctl status 如果見到 fs 5080 14857 fs 5085 14858 fs 5090 14859 fs 5095 14860 fs 5100 14861 fs 5105 14862 fsvm 5110 14889 ms 5060 14864 ms 5065 14865 ps 14890 rs 5070 14867 vmserver 14868 即表示vocal程式已經正確執行中. PS : 若要重新更改系統密碼可以執行 : /usr/local/vocal/bin/allinoneconfigure/allinoneconfigure -r 便可以重新產生密碼. |