Remove sub-string by delimiter in C
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 |
/* * strmhead.c * * Created by Jackie Xie on 2011-07-17. * Copyright 2011 Jackie Xie. All rights reserved. * */ #include <getopt.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> /* ======================(function header)======================== Function Name: int matchStrPosAt (const char *, const char *) Description: find the sub-string from the source string. Arguments: const char *, const char * Return: Returns "the array element number"(or "position") where "sub-string" matches before in "original string", or return "-1" if substr is not present in "original string". written by jackie xie Date : 2007/07/10 ================================================================*/ /* * delimiters <= n:return position before n-th matched substr. * delimiters = 0:do nothing. * delimiters >= n:return position after n-th matched substr. */ int matchStrPosAt (char * substr, char * str, int delimiters) { int i = -1, k, str_index; int substr_len = strlen(substr), str_len = strlen(str); int matchpos = -1; int delimiter[str_len], ind_delim = 0; //int n = abs(delimiters); for(k=0; k<=str_len ; k++) delimiter[k] = -1; if (str == NULL || substr == NULL) return -1; /* substr has to be smaller than str */ if (substr_len > str_len) return -1; /* look through str for substr, stopping at end of string or when the length * of substr exceeds the remaining number of characters to be searched */ while (str[++i] != '\0' && (str_len - i + 1) > substr_len) { for (str_index = 0; str_index < substr_len; ++str_index) { /* definitely not at location i */ if (str[i + str_index] != substr[str_index]) break; /* if last letter matches, then we know the whole thing matched */ else if (str_index == substr_len - 1) { if(delimiters >= 1) { i += substr_len -1; delimiter[++ind_delim] = i; printf("delimiter[%d] = %d\n", ind_delim, delimiter[ind_delim]); } } } } if(delimiters < ind_delim) matchpos = delimiter[delimiters]; else matchpos = delimiter[ind_delim]; return matchpos; } /* ======================(function header)======================== Function Name: int strmhead (char *str, const char *n, int pos) Description: To cut the front of sub-string which is starting at the matched delimiter and ending of the input string. Arguments: char *, const char * Return: The string which was cut the front of input string till the specified delimiter. written by Jackie Xie Date : 2011/08/12 ================================================================*/ char *strmhead (char *str, const char *n, int pos) { int i, _matchedStrLen = matchStrPosAt(n, str, abs(pos)); int str_len = strlen(str); int _newStrLen = 0; char* _new; printf("copied string(%d) : %s\n", str_len, str); printf("matched position = %d\n", _matchedStrLen); if(_matchedStrLen > 0){ if (pos >= 0) _matchedStrLen -= strlen(n); _newStrLen = str_len - _matchedStrLen; if ((_new = (char *)malloc(_newStrLen)) == NULL) return "NULL"; (_new)[_newStrLen+1] = '\0'; /* copy sub-string from specified delimiter */ for (i = 0; i < _newStrLen; ++i) (_new)[i] = str[_matchedStrLen +1 + i]; printf("New string length is %d\n", _newStrLen); printf("New string is %s\n", _new); strcpy(str, _new); free (_new); } return str; } /* ======================(function header)======================== Function Name: int strcutail (char *str, const char *n, int pos) Description: To remove the sub-string which is starting at n-th delimiter(or include it) to the end of input string. Arguments: char *, const char * Return: Returns the string which was cut the tailed sub-string off. written by Jackie Xie Date : 2011/07/15 ================================================================*/ char *strcutail (char *str, const char *startstr, int n) { int i = -1, retpos = -1; char* _new; retpos = matchStrPosAt(startstr, str, abs(n)); if(retpos > 0){ if (n >= 0) ++retpos; if ((_new = (char *)malloc(retpos)) == NULL) return "NULL"; (_new)[retpos] = '\0'; /* copy part before match */ for (i = 0; i < retpos; ++i) (_new)[i] = str[i]; strcpy(str, _new); printf("retpos length = %d\n", retpos); printf("strrmtail() : %s\n", str); free (_new); } return str; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char* str = "Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test"; char* startstr = "{i}"; int position=0, c; char help_msg[1024] = "Usage: strmhead [-s string] [-d delimiter] [-p n]\n\n"; strcat(help_msg, "strmhead command summary\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\tstrmhead is a function to cut input string off from the begining of string to the nth delimiter in a string.\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\tstring:input a string which is to be cut off by delimiter.\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\tdelimiter:a token to specify the boundary between separate, independent regions from input string.\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\tn:delimiter position\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\tn >= 0:return a string which remove the sub-string from the beginning of string to the n-th delimiter.\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\tn = 0:do nothing.\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\tn <= 0:return a string which remove the sub-string from the beginning of string to the previous position of the n-th delimiter.\n\n"); while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "s:p:d:h")) != -1) switch (c) { case 's': str = optarg; break; case 'p': position = atoi(optarg); break; case 'd': startstr = optarg; break; case 'h': fprintf(stderr, "%s", help_msg); exit(0); break; default: break; } printf("call strmhead() before : %s\n", str); printf("delimiter = %s\n", startstr); printf("position = %d\n", position); printf("After remove front string : %s\n", strmhead(str, startstr, position)); return 0; } |
To run this program 'strmhead' after compiled.
[ jackie ~/test/opensource ]# ./strmhead -h Usage: strmhead [-s string] [-d delimiter] [-p n] strmhead command summary strmhead is a function to cut input string off from the begining of string to the nth delimiter in a string. string:input a string which is to be cut off by delimiter. delimiter:a token to specify the boundary between separate, independent regions from input string. n:delimiter position n >= 0:return a string which remove the sub-string from the beginning of string to the n-th delimiter. n = 0:do nothing. n <= 0:return a string which remove the sub-string from the beginning of string to the previous position of the n-th delimiter. [ jackie ~/test/opensource ]# ./strmhead -d .{i}. -s Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test -p 1 call strmhead() before : Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test delimiter = .{i}. position = 1 delimiter[1] = 20 delimiter[2] = 44 delimiter[3] = 64 delimiter[4] = 74 copied string(79) : Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test matched position = 20 New string length is 64 New string is .{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test After remove front string : .{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test [ jackie ~/test/opensource ]# ./strmhead -d .{i}. -s Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test -p -1 call strmhead() before : Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test delimiter = .{i}. position = -1 delimiter[1] = 20 delimiter[2] = 44 delimiter[3] = 64 delimiter[4] = 74 copied string(79) : Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test matched position = 20 New string length is 59 New string is WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test After remove front string : WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test [ jackie ~/test/opensource ]# ./strmhead -d .{i}. -s Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test -p 1 call strmhead() before : Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test delimiter = .{i}. position = 1 delimiter[1] = 20 delimiter[2] = 44 delimiter[3] = 64 delimiter[4] = 74 copied string(79) : Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test matched position = 20 New string length is 64 New string is .{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test After remove front string : .{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test [ jackie ~/test/opensource ]# ./strmhead -d .{i}. -s Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test -p -1 call strmhead() before : Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test delimiter = .{i}. position = -1 delimiter[1] = 20 delimiter[2] = 44 delimiter[3] = 64 delimiter[4] = 74 copied string(79) : Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test matched position = 20 New string length is 59 New string is WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test After remove front string : WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test [ jackie ~/test/opensource ]# ./strmhead -d .{i}. -s Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test -p -2 call strmhead() before : Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test delimiter = .{i}. position = -2 delimiter[1] = 20 delimiter[2] = 44 delimiter[3] = 64 delimiter[4] = 74 copied string(79) : Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test matched position = 44 New string length is 35 New string is WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test After remove front string : WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test [ jackie ~/test/opensource ]# ./strmhead -d .{i}. -s Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test -p 2 call strmhead() before : Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test delimiter = .{i}. position = 2 delimiter[1] = 20 delimiter[2] = 44 delimiter[3] = 64 delimiter[4] = 74 copied string(79) : Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test matched position = 44 New string length is 40 New string is .{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test After remove front string : .{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test [ jackie ~/test/opensource ]# ./strmhead -d .{i}. -s Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test -p 3 call strmhead() before : Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test delimiter = .{i}. position = 3 delimiter[1] = 20 delimiter[2] = 44 delimiter[3] = 64 delimiter[4] = 74 copied string(79) : Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test matched position = 64 New string length is 20 New string is .{i}.Stats.{i}.test After remove front string : .{i}.Stats.{i}.test [ jackie ~/test/opensource ]# ./strmhead -d .{i}. -s Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test -p -3 call strmhead() before : Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test delimiter = .{i}. position = -3 delimiter[1] = 20 delimiter[2] = 44 delimiter[3] = 64 delimiter[4] = 74 copied string(79) : Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test matched position = 64 New string length is 15 New string is Stats.{i}.test After remove front string : Stats.{i}.test [ jackie ~/test/opensource ]# ./strmhead -d .{i}. -s Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test -p -4 call strmhead() before : Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test delimiter = .{i}. position = -4 delimiter[1] = 20 delimiter[2] = 44 delimiter[3] = 64 delimiter[4] = 74 copied string(79) : Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test matched position = 74 New string length is 5 New string is test After remove front string : test [ jackie ~/test/opensource ]# ./strmhead -d .{i}. -s Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test -p 4 call strmhead() before : Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test delimiter = .{i}. position = 4 delimiter[1] = 20 delimiter[2] = 44 delimiter[3] = 64 delimiter[4] = 74 copied string(79) : Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test matched position = 74 New string length is 10 New string is .{i}.test After remove front string : .{i}.test [ jackie ~/test/opensource ]# ./strmhead -d .{i}. -s Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test -p -100 call strmhead() before : Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test delimiter = .{i}. position = -100 delimiter[1] = 20 delimiter[2] = 44 delimiter[3] = 64 delimiter[4] = 74 copied string(79) : Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test matched position = 74 New string length is 5 New string is test After remove front string : test [ jackie ~/test/opensource ]# ./strmhead -d .{i}. -s Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test -p 100 call strmhead() before : Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test delimiter = .{i}. position = 100 delimiter[1] = 20 delimiter[2] = 44 delimiter[3] = 64 delimiter[4] = 74 copied string(79) : Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test matched position = 74 New string length is 10 New string is .{i}.test After remove front string : .{i}.test [ jackie ~/test/opensource ]#