目前分類:C/C++ 程式設計 (73)
- Jan 03 Fri 2014 04:39
To retrieve internet ip address from host which is behind a router in C
- Jan 30 Wed 2013 17:35
Struggle continues to plug embedded programming gap
- Feb 10 Fri 2012 07:35
Date format converter
Date format converter
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/* * dtconfig.c * * Created by Jackie Xie on 2012-02-09. * Copyright 2011 Jackie Xie. All rights reserved. * */ #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/time.h> /* ======================(function header)======================== Function Name: char *GetStrBetweenStr(char *, char *,char *) Description: retrieve a string from between left position and right position string. Arguments:char *s,char *lstr,char *rstr Return: string written by jackie xie Date: 2007/07/10 ================================================================*/ char *GetStrBetweenStr(char *s,char *lstr,char *rstr) { char *p=s,*lp=s,*rp; do { /*trim(lstr); trim(rstr);*/ lp=strstr(lp,lstr); if(lp) { rp=lstr; do lp++; while(*rp++); lp--; rp=strstr(lp,rstr); if(rp) { if(lp!=rp) { do *p++=*lp++; while(lp<rp); lp--; } rp=rstr; do lp++; while(*rp++); lp--; } } } while(lp); *p=0; return s; } /* ======================(function header)======================== Function Name: int matchStrPosAt (const char *, const char *) Description: find the sub-string from the source string. Arguments: const char *, const char * Return: Returns "the array element number"(or "position") where "sub-string" matches before in "original string", or return "-1" if substr is not present in "original string". written by jackie xie Date : 2007/07/10 ================================================================*/ /* * delimiters <= n:return position before n-th matched substr. * delimiters = 0:do nothing. * delimiters >= n:return position after n-th matched substr. */ int matchStrPosAt (char * substr, char * str, int delimiters) { int i = -1, k, str_index, total = 0; int substr_len = strlen(substr), str_len = strlen(str); int matchpos = -1; int delimiter[str_len], ind_delim = 0; //int n = abs(delimiters); for(k=0; k<=str_len ; k++) delimiter[k] = -1; if (str == NULL || substr == NULL) return -1; /* substr has to be smaller than str */ if (substr_len > str_len) return -1; /* look through str for substr, stopping at end of string or when the length * of substr exceeds the remaining number of characters to be searched */ while (str[++i] != '\0' && (str_len - i + 1) > substr_len) { for (str_index = 0; str_index < substr_len; ++str_index) { /* definitely not at location i */ if (str[i + str_index] != substr[str_index]) break; /* if last letter matches, then we know the whole thing matched */ else if (str_index == substr_len - 1) { if(delimiters >= 1) { i += substr_len -1; delimiter[++ind_delim] = i; //printf("delimiter[%d] = %d\n", ind_delim, delimiter[ind_delim]); } else if(delimiters == 0) return i; else if(delimiters == -1) total++; } } } if(delimiters == 0) return -1; /* substr not present in str */ else if(delimiters == -1) return total; /* the total numbers of substr */ else if(delimiters < ind_delim) matchpos = delimiter[delimiters]; else matchpos = delimiter[ind_delim]; return matchpos; } /* ======================(function header)======================== Function Name: int strcutail (char *str, const char *n, int pos) Description: To remove the sub-string which is starting at n-th delimiter(or include it) to the end of input string. Arguments: char *, const char * Return: Returns the string which was cut the tailed sub-string off. written by Jackie Xie Date : 2011/07/15 ================================================================*/ char *strcutail (char *str, const char *n, int pos) { int i, _newStrLen = matchStrPosAt(n, str, abs(pos)); char* _new; if(_newStrLen >= 0){ if (pos >= 0) ++_newStrLen; if ((_new = (char *)malloc(_newStrLen)) == NULL) return "NULL"; (_new)[_newStrLen] = '\0'; /* copy sub-string from the head of the string to the specified delimiter */ for (i = 0; i < _newStrLen; ++i) (_new)[i] = str[i]; strcpy(str, _new); free (_new); } return str; } /* ======================(function header)======================== Function Name: int strmhead (char *str, const char *n, int pos) Description: To cut the front of sub-string which is starting at the matched delimiter and ending of the input string. Arguments: char *, const char * Return: The string which was cut the front of input string till the specified delimiter. written by Jackie Xie Date : 2011/08/12 ================================================================*/ char *strmhead (char *str, const char *n, int pos) { int i, _matchedStrLen = matchStrPosAt(n, str, abs(pos)); int str_len = strlen(str); int _newStrLen = 0; char* _new; if(_matchedStrLen >= 0){ if (pos >= 0) _matchedStrLen -= strlen(n); _newStrLen = str_len - _matchedStrLen; if ((_new = (char *)malloc(_newStrLen)) == NULL) return "NULL"; (_new)[_newStrLen+1] = '\0'; /* copy sub-string from specified delimiter */ for (i = 0; i < _newStrLen; ++i) (_new)[i] = str[_matchedStrLen +1 + i]; strcpy(str, _new); free (_new); } return str; } bool isLeapYear (int year) { if(((year % 4==0) && (year%100 != 0)) || (year % 400 == 0)) return true; else return false; } /* * Convert a date to days since 1970. * written by jackiexie * Date : 2012/02/08 */ int date2jds(char* datetime) { time_t when; struct tm tm; char *end; memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm)); end = strptime(datetime, "%Y-%m-%d", &tm); if (end == NULL || *end) { fprintf(stderr, "could not parse: %s\n", datetime); return 0; } when = mktime(&tm) / 86400; //printf("%u\n", (unsigned) (when)); return when; } /* * Convert days since 1970 to a date. * written by jackiexie * Date : 2012/02/08 */ int jds2date(int days, char* datetime) { time_t when; struct tm *whentm; char res[64]; when = days * 24 * 60 * 60; if ((whentm = localtime(&when)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "localtime: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } strftime(res, sizeof(res) - 1, "%Y-%m-%d", whentm); res[sizeof(res) - 1] = '\0'; //printf("%s\n", res); sprintf(datetime, "%s", res); return 0; } /* * Convert [J]<days> to M<month>,<week of month>,<week day> format. * written by jackiexie * Date : 2012/02/08 */ int jds2mds(int days, char* dst) { time_t when; struct tm *whentm; char month[4], DayOfMonth[3], weekday[3]; int WeekOfMonth; when = days * 24 * 60 * 60; if ((whentm = localtime(&when)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "localtime: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } strftime(month, sizeof(month) - 1, "M%m", whentm); month[sizeof(month) - 1] = '\0'; strftime(DayOfMonth, sizeof(DayOfMonth) - 1, "%d", whentm); DayOfMonth[sizeof(DayOfMonth) - 1] = '\0'; /* To find current 'week of month'(by 'day of month'(DayOfMonth) */ WeekOfMonth = ceil(atof(DayOfMonth) / 7); strftime(weekday, sizeof(weekday) - 1, "%w", whentm); weekday[sizeof(weekday) - 1] = '\0'; //printf("%s.%d.%s\n", month, WeekOfMonth, weekday); sprintf(dst, "%s.%d.%s", month, WeekOfMonth, weekday); return 0; } /* * Convert days to a date format. * written by jackiexie * Date : 2012/02/08 */ int days2date(int Days, char* dst) { time_t baseTime; struct tm* pLocalTime=NULL; char dt[20]; int jdays = 0; baseTime = time(NULL); pLocalTime = localtime(&baseTime); pLocalTime->tm_year += 1900; sprintf(dt, "%d-1-1", pLocalTime->tm_year); jdays = Days + date2jds(dt); jdays = (isLeapYear(pLocalTime->tm_year))? jdays+1:jdays; jds2date(jdays, dst); //return jds2mds(jdays, dst); return jdays; } /* * Convert date to a days format. * written by jackiexie * Date : 2012/02/08 */ int date2days(char* date) { time_t when; struct tm tm; char *end, dt[20], *year, *month, *day; int days = 0, day_of_month = 0; year = strdup(date); month = strdup(date); day = strdup(date); strcutail(year, "-", -1); GetStrBetweenStr(month, "-", "-"); strmhead(day, "-", -2); day_of_month = atoi(day); sprintf(dt, "%s-1-1", year); days = date2jds(dt); memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm)); end = strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d", &tm); if (end == NULL || *end || (!strcmp(month, "2") && ((day_of_month >= 29 && !isLeapYear(atoi(year))) || (day_of_month > 29 && isLeapYear(atoi(year)))))) { fprintf(stderr, "could not parse: %s\n", date); return -1; } when = mktime(&tm) / 86400 - days + 1; if(isLeapYear(atoi(year))) --when; //printf("date2days = %u\n", (unsigned) (when)); free(year); return when; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char help_msg[1024] = "Usage: dtconfig [-d yyyy-mm-dd] [-j <days of this year>] [-m <[J]<days of this year>] [-h]\n\n"; char *date, dst[64], *tmp; int c, days; strcat(help_msg, "dtconfig command summary\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\tdtconfig is a function to convert date format.\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\t-d:To convert date to days.\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\t-j:To convert days to date.\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\t\t leap year : 0 ~ 365 \n"); strcat(help_msg, "\t\t otherwise : 1 ~ 365 \n"); strcat(help_msg, "\t-m:To convert 'Jn' to 'Mm.w.d' format. \n"); strcat(help_msg, "\t\t where 'Jn' is specifies the Julian day, with n between 1 and 365. February 29 is never counted, even in leap years. \n"); strcat(help_msg, "\t\t where 'n' is the days of this year which means the Julian day, with n between 0 and 365. February 29 is counted in leap years. \n"); strcat(help_msg, "\t-h:To show this help message.\n"); if(argc <= 1 || ((isgraph(*argv[1]) || ispunct(*argv[1])) && *argv[1]!='-')) fprintf(stderr, "%s", help_msg); while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "D:d:J:j:M:m:h0:?0:0:-")) != -1){ switch (c) { case 'D': case 'd': date = optarg; days = date2days(date); printf("%d\n", days); break; case 'J': case 'j': days = atoi(optarg); date = strdup("yyyy-mm-dd"); days2date(days, date); printf("%s\n", date); free(date); break; case 'M': case 'm': tmp = strdup(optarg); if(strstr(tmp, "J")){ days = atoi(strmhead(tmp, "J", -1)); if(days != 59){ days = days2date(days, dst); jds2mds(days, dst); } else printf("Invalid !!!\n"); } else{ days = atoi(optarg); /* step 1 : to find the date by days */ days = days2date(days, dst); /* step 2 : to find the result by Julian day & date */ jds2mds(days, dst); } printf("%s\n", dst); free(tmp); break; case 'h': case '?': default: fprintf(stderr, "%s", help_msg); exit(0); break; } } return 0; } |
- Sep 07 Wed 2011 19:35
An introruction to Henry Spencer's Regular Expression library
An introruction to Henry Spencer's Regular Expression library
- Aug 29 Mon 2011 23:06
Setup system datetime by local time zone name which is encoded according to IEEE 1003.1 (POSIX) in C
Setup system datetime by local time zone name which is encoded according to IEEE 1003.1 (POSIX) in C
prerequisite:int matchStrPosAt()、char *strmhead()、char *strcutail()、int getTZ(char **tz)、int SetTZ(char *timezone)
- Aug 17 Wed 2011 16:50
Remove sub-string by delimiter in C
Remove sub-string by delimiter in C
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/* * strmhead.c * * Created by Jackie Xie on 2011-07-17. * Copyright 2011 Jackie Xie. All rights reserved. * */ #include <getopt.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> /* ======================(function header)======================== Function Name: int matchStrPosAt (const char *, const char *) Description: find the sub-string from the source string. Arguments: const char *, const char * Return: Returns "the array element number"(or "position") where "sub-string" matches before in "original string", or return "-1" if substr is not present in "original string". written by jackie xie Date : 2007/07/10 ================================================================*/ /* * delimiters <= n:return position before n-th matched substr. * delimiters = 0:do nothing. * delimiters >= n:return position after n-th matched substr. */ int matchStrPosAt (char * substr, char * str, int delimiters) { int i = -1, k, str_index; int substr_len = strlen(substr), str_len = strlen(str); int matchpos = -1; int delimiter[str_len], ind_delim = 0; //int n = abs(delimiters); for(k=0; k<=str_len ; k++) delimiter[k] = -1; if (str == NULL || substr == NULL) return -1; /* substr has to be smaller than str */ if (substr_len > str_len) return -1; /* look through str for substr, stopping at end of string or when the length * of substr exceeds the remaining number of characters to be searched */ while (str[++i] != '\0' && (str_len - i + 1) > substr_len) { for (str_index = 0; str_index < substr_len; ++str_index) { /* definitely not at location i */ if (str[i + str_index] != substr[str_index]) break; /* if last letter matches, then we know the whole thing matched */ else if (str_index == substr_len - 1) { if(delimiters >= 1) { i += substr_len -1; delimiter[++ind_delim] = i; printf("delimiter[%d] = %d\n", ind_delim, delimiter[ind_delim]); } } } } if(delimiters < ind_delim) matchpos = delimiter[delimiters]; else matchpos = delimiter[ind_delim]; return matchpos; } /* ======================(function header)======================== Function Name: int strmhead (char *str, const char *n, int pos) Description: To cut the front of sub-string which is starting at the matched delimiter and ending of the input string. Arguments: char *, const char * Return: The string which was cut the front of input string till the specified delimiter. written by Jackie Xie Date : 2011/08/12 ================================================================*/ char *strmhead (char *str, const char *n, int pos) { int i, _matchedStrLen = matchStrPosAt(n, str, abs(pos)); int str_len = strlen(str); int _newStrLen = 0; char* _new; printf("copied string(%d) : %s\n", str_len, str); printf("matched position = %d\n", _matchedStrLen); if(_matchedStrLen > 0){ if (pos >= 0) _matchedStrLen -= strlen(n); _newStrLen = str_len - _matchedStrLen; if ((_new = (char *)malloc(_newStrLen)) == NULL) return "NULL"; (_new)[_newStrLen+1] = '\0'; /* copy sub-string from specified delimiter */ for (i = 0; i < _newStrLen; ++i) (_new)[i] = str[_matchedStrLen +1 + i]; printf("New string length is %d\n", _newStrLen); printf("New string is %s\n", _new); strcpy(str, _new); free (_new); } return str; } /* ======================(function header)======================== Function Name: int strcutail (char *str, const char *n, int pos) Description: To remove the sub-string which is starting at n-th delimiter(or include it) to the end of input string. Arguments: char *, const char * Return: Returns the string which was cut the tailed sub-string off. written by Jackie Xie Date : 2011/07/15 ================================================================*/ char *strcutail (char *str, const char *startstr, int n) { int i = -1, retpos = -1; char* _new; retpos = matchStrPosAt(startstr, str, abs(n)); if(retpos > 0){ if (n >= 0) ++retpos; if ((_new = (char *)malloc(retpos)) == NULL) return "NULL"; (_new)[retpos] = '\0'; /* copy part before match */ for (i = 0; i < retpos; ++i) (_new)[i] = str[i]; strcpy(str, _new); printf("retpos length = %d\n", retpos); printf("strrmtail() : %s\n", str); free (_new); } return str; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char* str = "Device.WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevice.{i}.WANIPConnection.{i}.Stats.{i}.test"; char* startstr = "{i}"; int position=0, c; char help_msg[1024] = "Usage: strmhead [-s string] [-d delimiter] [-p n]\n\n"; strcat(help_msg, "strmhead command summary\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\tstrmhead is a function to cut input string off from the begining of string to the nth delimiter in a string.\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\tstring:input a string which is to be cut off by delimiter.\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\tdelimiter:a token to specify the boundary between separate, independent regions from input string.\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\tn:delimiter position\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\tn >= 0:return a string which remove the sub-string from the beginning of string to the n-th delimiter.\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\tn = 0:do nothing.\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\tn <= 0:return a string which remove the sub-string from the beginning of string to the previous position of the n-th delimiter.\n\n"); while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "s:p:d:h")) != -1) switch (c) { case 's': str = optarg; break; case 'p': position = atoi(optarg); break; case 'd': startstr = optarg; break; case 'h': fprintf(stderr, "%s", help_msg); exit(0); break; default: break; } printf("call strmhead() before : %s\n", str); printf("delimiter = %s\n", startstr); printf("position = %d\n", position); printf("After remove front string : %s\n", strmhead(str, startstr, position)); return 0; } |
- Jul 17 Sun 2011 21:04
Remove sub-string from specified delimiter in C
- Jul 09 Sat 2011 02:29
How to avoid memory leaks in iPhone applications
- Jul 07 Thu 2011 05:16
Get IP/Mac Address in C/Objective-C on Mac OSX
Please fill the <prog_name> with "getMacAddr" in this Makefile[Generic makefile for single-target] first.
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/* * IPAddress.h * * Created by Chris Whiteford on 2009-02-20. * Copyright 2009 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved. * */ #define MAXADDRS 32 extern char *if_names[MAXADDRS]; extern char *ip_names[MAXADDRS]; extern char *hw_addrs[MAXADDRS]; extern unsigned long ip_addrs[MAXADDRS]; // Function prototypes extern void InitAddresses(); extern void FreeAddresses(); extern void GetIPAddresses(); extern void GetHWAddresses(); |
- Dec 20 Mon 2010 17:57
C++11,先前被稱作C++0x (發音 "see plus plus oh ex")是目前計畫中的C++程式語言的新標準。它將取代現行的C++標準ISO/IEC 14882,公開於1998年並於2003年更新,通稱C++98以及C++03。新的標準將會包含核心語言的新機能,而且會擴展C++標準程式庫,併入了大部分的C++ Technical Report 1程式庫(數學的特殊函式可能除外)。因為此項標準尚未完成,記載於此條目的可能並不是C++11最新的情況。最新的訊息被公開在ISO C++ 委員會網站(英文)。
- Aug 10 Tue 2010 01:53
How to implement a timer event handler callback function in user-space?
- Aug 07 Sat 2010 06:17
An Inter-calling between C and C++ example for Timer
- Nov 21 Sat 2009 17:48
- May 08 Thu 2008 01:21
C/C++ Sources on the Net
C/C++ Sources on the Net
Name : AIPS++ library (beta)
Where : ftp://aips2.cv.nrao.edu/pub/aips++/RELEASED/libaips-3
- Aug 01 Wed 2007 22:32
用 typedef 來隱藏極為繁複的函式指標宣告形式
Hide Function Pointer Declarations With a typedef
用 typedef 來隱藏極為繁複的函式指標宣告形式
- Sep 19 Tue 2006 18:34
【C 語言內"volatile"的用法和功用】
- Aug 22 Tue 2006 01:03
#pragma pack(1) "是表示什麼意思呢?!
- Aug 08 Tue 2006 23:56
判斷 Big5/GBK(6763字)與Big5(13053)字的由來
- Aug 08 Tue 2006 22:48
An introduction to bitwise operators