Setup system datetime by local time zone name which is encoded according to IEEE 1003.1 (POSIX) in C
prerequisite:int matchStrPosAt()、char *strmhead()、char *strcutail()、int getTZ(char **tz)、int SetTZ(char *timezone)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 |
/* * ctzset.c * * Created by Jackie Xie on 2011-08-20. * Copyright 2011 Jackie Xie. All rights reserved. * */ #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/time.h> typedef enum {Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday} Days; typedef enum {First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth} Weeks; typedef enum {January = 1, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December} Months; typedef struct { int hour; int minute; int second; } Time; typedef struct { Time time; Days day; Weeks week; Months month; int year; time_t ptime; } datetime; int years[13] = {-1, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}; /* ======================(function header)======================== Function Name:char* itos (){} Description:to convert integer to string Arguments:unsigned n Return:a string written by jackiexie Date: 2007/07/10 ================================================================*/ char tmpbuf[17]; char* itos (int n) { int i=0,j; //char* s; //char* u; char s[17]; //s= (char*) malloc(17); //u= (char*) malloc(17); do{ s[i++]=(char)( n%10+48 ); n-=n%10; } while((n/=10)>0); for (j=0;j<i;j++) tmpbuf[i-1-j]=s[j]; tmpbuf[j]='\0'; return tmpbuf; } /* ======================(function header)======================== Function Name: char *GetStrBetweenStr(char *, char *,char *) Description: retrieve a string from between left position and right position string. Arguments:char *s,char *lstr,char *rstr Return: string written by jackie xie Date: 2007/07/10 ================================================================*/ char *GetStrBetweenStr(char *s,char *lstr,char *rstr) { char *p=s,*lp=s,*rp; do { /*trim(lstr); trim(rstr);*/ lp=strstr(lp,lstr); if(lp) { rp=lstr; do lp++; while(*rp++); lp--; rp=strstr(lp,rstr); if(rp) { if(lp!=rp) { do *p++=*lp++; while(lp<rp); lp--; } rp=rstr; do lp++; while(*rp++); lp--; } } } while(lp); *p=0; return s; } /* ======================(function header)======================== Function Name: int matchStrPosAt (const char *, const char *) Description: find the sub-string from the source string. Arguments: const char *, const char * Return: Returns "the array element number"(or "position") where "sub-string" matches before in "original string", or return "-1" if substr is not present in "original string". written by jackie xie Date : 2007/07/10 ================================================================*/ /* * delimiters <= n:return position before n-th matched substr. * delimiters = 0:do nothing. * delimiters >= n:return position after n-th matched substr. */ int matchStrPosAt (char * substr, char * str, int delimiters) { int i = -1, k, str_index, total = 0; int substr_len = strlen(substr), str_len = strlen(str); int matchpos = -1; int delimiter[str_len], ind_delim = 0; //int n = abs(delimiters); for(k=0; k<=str_len ; k++) delimiter[k] = -1; if (str == NULL || substr == NULL) return -1; /* substr has to be smaller than str */ if (substr_len > str_len) return -1; /* look through str for substr, stopping at end of string or when the length * of substr exceeds the remaining number of characters to be searched */ while (str[++i] != '\0' && (str_len - i + 1) > substr_len) { for (str_index = 0; str_index < substr_len; ++str_index) { /* definitely not at location i */ if (str[i + str_index] != substr[str_index]) break; /* if last letter matches, then we know the whole thing matched */ else if (str_index == substr_len - 1) { if(delimiters >= 1) { i += substr_len -1; delimiter[++ind_delim] = i; //printf("delimiter[%d] = %d\n", ind_delim, delimiter[ind_delim]); } else if(delimiters == 0) return i; else if(delimiters == -1) total++; } } } if(delimiters == 0) return -1; /* substr not present in str */ else if(delimiters == -1) return total; /* the total numbers of substr */ else if(delimiters < ind_delim) matchpos = delimiter[delimiters]; else matchpos = delimiter[ind_delim]; return matchpos; } /* ======================(function header)======================== Function Name: int strcutail (char *str, const char *n, int pos) Description: To remove the sub-string which is starting at n-th delimiter(or include it) to the end of input string. Arguments: char *, const char * Return: Returns the string which was cut the tailed sub-string off. written by Jackie Xie Date : 2011/07/15 ================================================================*/ char *strcutail (char *str, const char *n, int pos) { int i, _newStrLen = matchStrPosAt(n, str, abs(pos)); char* _new; if(_newStrLen > 0){ if (pos >= 0) ++_newStrLen; if ((_new = (char *)malloc(_newStrLen)) == NULL) return "NULL"; (_new)[_newStrLen] = '\0'; /* copy sub-string from the head of the string to the specified delimiter */ for (i = 0; i < _newStrLen; ++i) (_new)[i] = str[i]; strcpy(str, _new); free (_new); } return str; } /* ======================(function header)======================== Function Name: int strmhead (char *str, const char *n, int pos) Description: To cut the front of sub-string which is starting at the matched delimiter and ending of the input string. Arguments: char *, const char * Return: The string which was cut the front of input string till the specified delimiter. written by Jackie Xie Date : 2011/08/12 ================================================================*/ char *strmhead (char *str, const char *n, int pos) { int i, _matchedStrLen = matchStrPosAt(n, str, abs(pos)); int str_len = strlen(str); int _newStrLen = 0; char* _new; if(_matchedStrLen > 0){ if (pos >= 0) _matchedStrLen -= strlen(n); _newStrLen = str_len - _matchedStrLen; if ((_new = (char *)malloc(_newStrLen)) == NULL) return "NULL"; (_new)[_newStrLen+1] = '\0'; /* copy sub-string from specified delimiter */ for (i = 0; i < _newStrLen; ++i) (_new)[i] = str[_matchedStrLen +1 + i]; strcpy(str, _new); free (_new); } return str; } bool isLeapYear (int year) { if(((year % 4==0) && (year%100 != 0)) || (year % 400 == 0)) return true; else return false; } bool IsLeapYear(int year) { if(year%4==0) //必須能被4整除 { if(year%100==0) { if(year%400==0) return true;//如果以00結尾,還要能被400整除 else return false; } else return true; } else return false; } /* ======================(function header)======================== Function Name : Days get_day_code (int year){} Description : The codes are: day_code (0 = Sun, 1 = Mon, etc.). Arguments : a year as a decimal number with century. Return : an user defined type 'Days' value. written by Jackie Xie Date : 2011/08/28 ================================================================*/ Days get_day_code (int year) { int day_code; int x1, x2, x3; x1 = (year - 1.)/ 4.0; x2 = (year - 1.)/ 100.; x3 = (year - 1.)/ 400.; day_code = (year + x1 - x2 + x3) %7; return day_code; } /* ======================(function header)======================== Function Name : int dayOfMonth(datetime dt){} Description : To convert the day(Sun...Sat) of week(1~5) of month(1~12) into the day of the month as a decimal number(01-31). Arguments : a user defined type 'datetime' dt. Return : an interger value which range is from 1 to 31. written by Jackie Xie Date : 2011/08/28 ================================================================*/ int dayOfMonth(datetime dt) { int days, month; Days day_code; if(isLeapYear(dt.year)) years[February] = 29; //printf("February have %d days in %d\n", years[February], dt.year); day_code = get_day_code(dt.year); for ( month = 1; month < dt.month; month++ ) { /* set day_code for next month to begin */ day_code = ( day_code + years[month] ) % 7; } days = ( >= day_code)?( - day_code + 1)+7*(dt.week-1): (7 - day_code + 1) + + 7*(dt.week-1); while(days > years[dt.month]) days -= 7; return days; } /* ======================(function header)======================== Function Name :t ime_t str2datetime(char *datetime){} Description : To Convert the string of datetime format into an interger which unit is a time 'second'. Arguments : char * tz Return : an integer of type 'time_t ' written by Jackie Xie Date : 2011/08/29 ================================================================*/ time_t str2datetime(char *datetime) { int year, month, day, hour, min, sec; struct tm *when; time_t tme; char tmp_time[32]; strcpy(tmp_time, datetime); sscanf(tmp_time, "%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ", &year, &month, &day, &hour, &min, &sec); time(&tme); when = localtime(&tme); when->tm_year = year - 1900; when->tm_mon = month-1; when->tm_mday = day; when->tm_hour = hour; when->tm_min = min; when->tm_sec = sec; return(mktime(when)); } /* ======================(function header)======================== Function Name:int getTZ(char **tz){} Description : To find the time difference[Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)] between GMT and Local time zone. Arguments : char ** tz Return : a string with format "[+|-]hh:mm" written by jackiexie Date : 2011/06/02 Example : int main(int argc, char** argv) { char *tz; getTZ(&tz); printf("UTC%s", tz); return 0; } ================================================================*/ int getTZ(char **tz) { struct tm *tptr; char UTC[20]; time_t secs,l_secs,gmt_secs; float utc; char *min, *sign; int tmp; time(&secs); tptr = localtime(&secs); l_secs = mktime(tptr); tptr = gmtime(&secs); gmt_secs = mktime(tptr); utc = l_secs - gmt_secs; utc = utc/3600.0; //utc = -9.9;//-2.5;-3.5;-4.5;-9.5;-12;-10;5.75;8.75;12.75;13.75;14 if(utc < 0) sign = strdup("-"); else if(utc > 0) sign = strdup("+"); tmp = utc * 60; tmp = abs(tmp) % 60; if(tmp == 30) min = strdup("30"); else if(tmp == 45) min = strdup("45"); else if(tmp != 0) min = strdup(itos(tmp)); else min = strdup("00"); tmp = (int)abs(utc); if(tmp <= 14 && tmp >= 10) sprintf(UTC, "%s%d:%s", sign, tmp, min); else if(tmp < 10 && tmp > 0) sprintf(UTC, "%s0%d:%s", sign, tmp, min); else sprintf(UTC, "00:00"); *tz = strdup(UTC); //printf("%s(%s)\n", UTC, *tz); if(*tz == NULL) return -1; free(min); free(sign); return 0; } /* ======================(function header)======================== Function Name:int setTZ(char **tz){} Description : To Setup the system date、time by timezone information. Arguments : char * tz Return : a string with format "[+|-]hh:mm" written by Jackie Xie Date : 2011/08/18 ================================================================*/ int setTZ(char *timezone) { struct tm *tptr; struct timeval tv; struct timezone tz; time_t secs; int utc = 0; int hsecs, msecs; int rc; char *sHour = strdup(timezone); char *sMin = strdup(timezone); (void) time(&secs); tptr = localtime(&secs); printf("The timezone is 'UTC%s'\n", timezone); printf("The current date/time :\n"); printf(" Date : %02d-%02d-%02d\n", 1900+tptr->tm_year, tptr->tm_mon+1, tptr->tm_mday); printf(" Time : %02d:%02d:%02d\n\n", tptr->tm_hour, tptr->tm_min, tptr->tm_sec); if(strstr(timezone,":")){ hsecs = atoi(strcutail(sHour, ":", -100)) * 3600; msecs = atoi(strmhead(sMin, ":", -100)) * 60; } else{ hsecs = atoi(sHour) * 3600; msecs = 0; } utc = hsecs + msecs; (void) time(&secs); if(utc==0) tptr = localtime(&secs); else{ secs += utc; tptr = gmtime(&secs); } // Make new system time. if ((tv.tv_sec = mktime(tptr)) == (time_t)-1) { printf("Cannot convert system time\n"); } tz.tz_minuteswest = -(secs / 60); tv.tv_usec = 0; rc = settimeofday(&tv, &tz); if ( rc != 0) { printf("Cannot set system time\n"); printf("settimeofday() failed, " "errno = %d\n",errno); return -1; } else printf("settimeofday() successful.\n"); printf("Update timezone:'UTC%s'\n", timezone); printf("The new date/time is :\n"); printf(" Date: %02d-%02d-%02d\n", 1900+tptr->tm_year, tptr->tm_mon+1, tptr->tm_mday); printf(" Time: %02d:%02d:%02d\n\n", tptr->tm_hour, tptr->tm_min, tptr->tm_sec); free(sMin); free(sHour); return 0; } /* ======================(function header)=========================== Function Name:int setTZName(char *tzname){} Description : To Setup the system date、time by a specified local timezone name which is encoded according to IEEE 1003.1 (POSIX). Specifying the Time Zone with TZ In POSIX systems, a user can specify the time zone by means of the TZ environment variable. For information about how to set environment variables, see section Environment Variables. The functions for accessing the time zone are declared in `time.h'. You should not normally need to set TZ. If the system is configured properly, the default time zone will be correct. You might set TZ if you are using a computer over a network from a different time zone, and would like times reported to you in the time zone local to you, rather than what is local to the computer. In POSIX.1 systems the value of the TZ variable can be in one of three formats. With the GNU C library, the most common format is the last one, which can specify a selection from a large database of time zone information for many regions of the world. The first two formats are used to describe the time zone information directly, which is both more cumbersome and less precise. But the POSIX.1 standard only specifies the details of the first two formats, so it is good to be familiar with them in case you come across a POSIX.1 system that doesn't support a time zone information database. The first format is used when there is no Daylight Saving Time (or summer time) in the local time zone: std offset The std string specifies the name of the time zone. It must be three or more characters long and must not contain a leading colon, embedded digits, commas, nor plus and minus signs. There is no space character separating the time zone name from the offset, so these restrictions are necessary to parse the specification correctly. The offset specifies the time value you must add to the local time to get a Coordinated Universal Time value. It has syntax like [+|-]hh[:mm[:ss]]. This is positive if the local time zone is west of the Prime Meridian and negative if it is east. The hour must be between 0 and 23, and the minute and seconds between 0 and 59. The minutes ( mm) and seconds ( ss) are optional. The hour ( hh) shall be required and may be a single digit. The offset following std shall be required. If no offset follows dst, the alternative time is assumed to be one hour ahead of standard time. One or more digits may be used; the value is always interpreted as a decimal number. The hour shall be between zero and 24, and the minutes (and seconds)-if present-between zero and 59. The result of using values outside of this range is unspecified. If preceded by a '-', the timezone shall be east of the Prime Meridian; otherwise, it shall be west (which may be indicated by an optional preceding '+' ). For example, here is how we would specify Eastern Standard Time, but without any Daylight Saving Time alternative: EST+5 The second format is used when there is Daylight Saving Time: std offset dst [offset],start[/time],end[/time] The initial std and offset specify the standard time zone, as described above. The dst string and offset specify the name and offset for the corresponding Daylight Saving Time zone; if the offset is omitted, it defaults to one hour ahead of standard time. The remainder of the specification describes when Daylight Saving Time is in effect. The start field is when Daylight Saving Time goes into effect and the end field is when the change is made back to standard time. The following formats are recognized for these fields: Jn This specifies the Julian day, with n between 1 and 365. February 29 is never counted, even in leap years. n This specifies the Julian day, with n between 0 and 365. February 29 is counted in leap years. Mm.w.d This specifies day d of week w of month m. The day d must be between 0 (Sunday) and 6. The week w must be between 1 and 5; week 1 is the first week in which day d occurs, and week 5 specifies the last d day in the month. The month m should be between 1 and 12. The time fields specify when, in the local time currently in effect, the change to the other time occurs. If omitted, the default is 02:00:00. For example, here is how you would specify the Eastern time zone in the United States, including the appropriate Daylight Saving Time and its dates of applicability. The normal offset from UTC is 5 hours; since this is west of the prime meridian, the sign is positive. Summer time begins on the first Sunday in April at 2:00am, and ends on the last Sunday in October at 2:00am. EST+5EDT,M4.1.0/2,M10.5.0/2 Arguments : char * tz Return : a string with format "std offset dst [offset],start[/time],end[/time]" written by Jackie Xie Date : 2011/08/28 ===================================================================*/ int setTZName(char *tzname) { char *offsets = strdup(tzname); char stz[10]={0}; char dtz[10]={0}; char stz_offset[10]={0}; char dtz_offset[10]={0}; char *start_dst = NULL; char *end_dst = NULL; int len, i = -1, chstr = 0, chnum = 0; int stdlen = 0, dstlen = 0, sofflen = 0, dofflen = 0; char *times, *day, *week, *month, *year, *tmp; datetime sdst, edst; time_t ptime = 0; char data[32]; sdst.ptime = edst.ptime = 0; if(strstr(tzname, ",")) { datetime currtime; time_t currTime; struct tm* pLocalTime=NULL; times = strdup("00:00:00"); day = strdup("00"); week = strdup("0"); month = strdup("00"); year = strdup("0000"); currTime = time(NULL); pLocalTime = localtime(&currTime); strftime(times, 10 ,"%H:%M:%S", pLocalTime); strftime(day, 3 ,"%d", pLocalTime); strftime(week, 2 ,"%w", pLocalTime); strftime(month, 3 ,"%m", pLocalTime); strftime(year, 5, "%Y", pLocalTime); tmp = strdup(times); currtime.time.hour = atoi(strcutail(tmp, ":", -1)); tmp = strdup(times); currtime.time.minute = atoi(GetStrBetweenStr(tmp, ":", ":")); tmp = strdup(times); currtime.time.second = atoi(strmhead(tmp, ":", -2)); = atoi(day); currtime.week = atoi(week); currtime.month = atoi(month); currtime.year = atoi(year); printf("current time is '%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ'\n", currtime.year, currtime.month,, currtime.time.hour, currtime.time.minute, currtime.time.second); start_dst = strdup(tzname); end_dst = strdup(tzname); tmp = strdup(tzname); strcutail(offsets, ",", -1); //printf("offsets = %s\n", offsets); start_dst = strdup(GetStrBetweenStr(tmp, ",", ",")); if(!strstr(start_dst, "/")) sprintf(start_dst, "%s/2", start_dst); times = strdup(start_dst); day = strdup(start_dst); week = strdup(start_dst); month = strdup(start_dst); //sdst.time = atoi(strmhead(times, "/", -1)); tmp = strdup(strmhead(times, "/", -1)); if(strstr(tmp, ":")) { times = strdup(tmp); sdst.time.hour = atoi(strcutail(times, ":", -1)); times = strdup(tmp); printf("times : %s\n", times); if(strstr(strmhead(times, ":", -1), ":")) sdst.time.minute = atoi(strcutail(times, ":", -1)); else sdst.time.minute = atoi(times); times = strdup(tmp); if(strstr(strmhead(times, ":", -1), ":")) sdst.time.second = atoi(strmhead(times, ":", -1)); else sdst.time.second = 0; } else { sdst.time.hour = atoi(tmp); sdst.time.minute = 0; sdst.time.second = 0; } = atoi(strcutail(strmhead(day, ".", -2), "/", -1)); sdst.week = atoi(GetStrBetweenStr(week, ".", ".")); sdst.month = atoi(GetStrBetweenStr(month, "M", ".")); strmhead(end_dst, ",", -2); if(!strstr(end_dst, "/")) sprintf(end_dst, "%s/2", end_dst); times = strdup(end_dst); day = strdup(end_dst); week = strdup(end_dst); month = strdup(end_dst); //edst.time = atoi(strmhead(times, "/", -1)); tmp = strdup(strmhead(times, "/", -1)); if(strstr(tmp, ":")) { times = strdup(tmp); edst.time.hour = atoi(strcutail(times, ":", -1)); times = strdup(tmp); if(strstr(strmhead(times, ":", -1), ":")) edst.time.minute = atoi(strcutail(times, ":", -1)); else edst.time.minute = atoi(times); times = strdup(tmp); if(strstr(strmhead(times, ":", -1), ":")) edst.time.second = atoi(strmhead(times, ":", -1)); else edst.time.second = 0; } else { edst.time.hour = atoi(tmp); edst.time.minute = 0; edst.time.second = 0; } = atoi(strcutail(strmhead(day, ".", -2), "/", -1)); edst.week = atoi(GetStrBetweenStr(week, ".", ".")); edst.month = atoi(GetStrBetweenStr(month, "M", ".")); if(sdst.month > edst.month) { sdst.year = currtime.year; edst.year = currtime.year + 1; } else sdst.year = edst.year = currtime.year; printf("start daylight saving time is '%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ'\n", sdst.year, sdst.month, dayOfMonth(sdst), sdst.time.hour, sdst.time.minute, sdst.time.second); printf("end daylight saving time is '%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ'\n", edst.year, edst.month, dayOfMonth(edst), edst.time.hour, edst.time.minute, edst.time.second); sprintf(data, "%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ\n", currtime.year, currtime.month,, currtime.time.hour, currtime.time.minute, currtime.time.second); currtime.ptime = str2datetime(data); //printf("%d\n", (int)currtime.ptime); ptime = currtime.ptime; sprintf(data, "%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ\n", sdst.year, sdst.month,, sdst.time.hour, sdst.time.minute, sdst.time.second); sdst.ptime = str2datetime(data); //printf("%d\n", (int)sdst.ptime); sprintf(data, "%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ\n", edst.year, edst.month,, edst.time.hour, edst.time.minute, edst.time.second); edst.ptime = str2datetime(data); //printf("%d\n", (int)edst.ptime); free(times); free(tmp); } len = strlen(offsets); chstr = 0; chnum = 0; while (offsets[++i] != '\0') { if(isalpha(offsets[i])) { if(!chstr) { stz[stdlen] = offsets[i]; stdlen++ ; } else { chnum = 1; dtz[dstlen] = offsets[i]; dstlen++ ; } } else if(isdigit(offsets[i]) || offsets[i] == '+' || offsets[i] == '-' || offsets[i] == ':') { /* If preceded by a '-', the timezone shall be east of the Prime Meridian; * otherwise, it shall be west (which may be indicated by an optional preceding '+' ). * Note: The +,- definition specifies east and west and not addition or subtraction, * so be careful. (UTC+1 translates to <Timezone name>-1) */ chstr = 1; if(!chnum) { stz_offset[sofflen] = offsets[i]; sofflen++ ; } else { dtz_offset[dofflen] = offsets[i]; dofflen++ ; } } } { char *shour = strdup(stz_offset); char *sminute = strdup(stz_offset); int doffset = 0, stzhour = atoi(shour) * (-1); stzhour = (strstr(tzname, "GMT") || strstr(tzname, "UTC"))?atoi(shour):atoi(shour) * (-1); if(dstlen && !dofflen) doffset = stzhour + 1; else doffset = stzhour; if(strstr(stz_offset, ":")) { strcutail(shour, ":", -1); strmhead(sminute, ":", -1); if(doffset > 0) sprintf(dtz_offset, "+%d:%s", doffset, sminute); else sprintf(dtz_offset, "%d:%s", doffset, sminute); if(stzhour > 0) sprintf(stz_offset, "+%d:%s", stzhour, sminute); else sprintf(stz_offset, "%d:%s", stzhour, sminute); } else { if(doffset > 0) sprintf(dtz_offset, "+%d", doffset); else sprintf(dtz_offset, "%d", doffset); if(stzhour > 0) sprintf(stz_offset, "+%d", stzhour); else sprintf(stz_offset, "%d", stzhour); } free(shour); free(sminute); } printf("Standard time zone is '%s%s'.\n", stz, stz_offset); if(dstlen) printf("Daylight Saving Time zone is '%s%s'.\n\n", dtz, dtz_offset); if(ptime >= sdst.ptime && ptime <= edst.ptime) setTZ(dtz_offset); else setTZ(stz_offset); free(offsets); free(start_dst); free(end_dst); return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //struct timeval tv; char help_msg[1024] = "Usage: tznset [-s <timezone>] [-x <timezone name is encoded according to IEEE 1003.1 (POSIX)>] [-i] [-h]\n\n"; char *tz, *tzname; int c; strcat(help_msg, "tznset command summary\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\tznset is a function to setup/get timezone infomation.\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\t-s:setup datetime for specified timezone.\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\t\t<timezone>:input format:'<+ | ->xx:xx' (x=[0~9]).\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\t-x:setup datetime for specified timezone name.\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\t\t<timezone name>:input format:'std offset dst [offset],start[/time],end[/time]' .\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\t-i:To get te local timezone information.\n"); strcat(help_msg, "\t-h:To show this help message.\n"); while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "s:x:i0:h0:?0")) != -1) switch (c) { case 's': tz = optarg; setTZ(tz); break; case 'x': tzname = optarg; setTZName(tzname); break; case 'i': getTZ(&tz); printf("本地時區是:UTC%s\n", tz); break; case 'h': case '?': fprintf(stderr, "%s", help_msg); exit(0); break; default: break; } return 0; } |
To run this program:
For example, we could choice the 'Europe/Lisbon' to setup the system datetime.
The execution result was shown as below:
[ jackie ~/test/opensource/datetime/tz ]# ./tznset -x WET0WEST,M3.5.0/1,M10.5.0 current time is '2011-08-31T11:30:28Z' start daylight saving time is '2011-03-27T01:00:00Z' end daylight saving time is '2011-10-30T02:00:00Z' Standard time zone is 'WET0'. Daylight Saving Time zone is 'WEST+1'. The timezone is 'UTC+1' The current date/time : Date : 2011-08-31 Time : 11:30:28 Cannot set system time settimeofday() failed, errno = 1 [ jackie ~/test/opensource/datetime/tz ]# sudo ./tznset -x WET0WEST,M3.5.0/1,M10.5.0 Password: current time is '2011-08-31T11:30:34Z' start daylight saving time is '2011-03-27T01:00:00Z' end daylight saving time is '2011-10-30T02:00:00Z' Standard time zone is 'WET0'. Daylight Saving Time zone is 'WEST+1'. The timezone is 'UTC+1' The current date/time : Date : 2011-08-31 Time : 11:30:34 settimeofday() successful. Update timezone:'UTC+1' The new date/time is : Date: 2011-08-31 Time: 04:30:34 [ jackie ~/test/opensource/datetime/tz ]#
To setup the system date / time by Pacific/Chatham time zone:
Execution result was shown as following beown:
[ jackie ~/test/opensource/datetime/tz ]# sudo ./tznset -x CHAST-12:45CHADT,M10.1.0/2:45,M3.3.0/3:45 current time is '2011-08-31T13:50:52Z' times : 2:45 start daylight saving time is '2011-10-02T02:45:00Z' end daylight saving time is '2012-03-18T03:45:00Z' Standard time zone is 'CHAST+12:45'. Daylight Saving Time zone is 'CHADT+13:45'. current ptime = 1314769852 start dst ptime = 1317321900 eended dst ptime = 1330458300 The timezone is 'UTC+12:45' The current date/time : Date : 2011-08-31 Time : 13:50:52 settimeofday() successful. Update timezone:'UTC+12:45' The new date/time is : Date: 2011-08-31 Time: 18:35:52 [ jackie ~/test/opensource/datetime/tz ]#
To setup datetime by 'America/Sao Paulo' timezone:
After running tnzset:
[ jackie ~/test/opensource/datetime/tz ]# sudo ./tznset -x BRT3BRST,M10.3.0/0,M2.3.0/0 Password: current time is '2011-08-31T14:05:28Z' start daylight saving time is '2011-10-16T00:00:00Z' end daylight saving time is '2012-02-19T00:00:00Z' Standard time zone is 'BRT-3'. Daylight Saving Time zone is 'BRST-2'. The timezone is 'UTC-3' The current date/time : Date : 2011-08-31 Time : 14:05:28 settimeofday() successful. Update timezone:'UTC-3' The new date/time is : Date: 2011-08-31 Time: 03:05:28 [ jackie ~/test/opensource/datetime/tz ]#
To setup datetime by 'Pacific/Marquesas' timezone:
[ jackie MacBook-Pro ~/tznconfig ]$ sudo ./tznconfig -x `xnvram get Pacific/Marquesas` Password: Standard time zone is 'MART9:30'. The timezone is 'UTC-9:30:00' The current date/time : Date : 2012-04-20 Time : 16:49:50 hrsec = -32400 minsec = -1800 settimeofday() successful. Update timezone:'UTC-9:30:00' The new date/time is : Date: 2012-04-19 Time: 23:19:50 [ jackie MacBook-Pro ~/tznconfig ]$
Time zone abbreviations
Abbreviation | Full name | Location | Time zone |
A | Alpha Time Zone | Military | UTC + 1 hour |
ADT | Atlantic Daylight Time | Atlantic | UTC - 3 hours |
ADT | Atlantic Daylight Time | North America | UTC - 3 hours |
AFT | Afghanistan Time | Asia | UTC + 4:30 hours |
AKDT | Alaska Daylight Time | North America | UTC - 8 hours |
AKST | Alaska Standard Time | North America | UTC - 9 hours |
ALMT | Alma-Ata Time | Asia | UTC + 6 hours |
AMST | Armenia Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 5 hours |
AMST | Amazon Summer Time | South America | UTC - 3 hours |
AMT | Armenia Time | Asia | UTC + 4 hours |
AMT | Amazon Time | South America | UTC - 4 hours |
ANAST | Anadyr Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 12 hours |
ANAT | Anadyr Time | Asia | UTC + 12 hours |
AQTT | Aqtobe Time | Asia | UTC + 5 hours |
ART | Argentina Time | South America | UTC - 3 hours |
AST | Arabia Standard Time | Asia | UTC + 3 hours |
AST | Atlantic Standard Time | Atlantic | UTC - 4 hours |
AST | Atlantic Standard Time | Caribbean | UTC - 4 hours |
AST | Atlantic Standard Time | North America | UTC - 4 hours |
AZOST | Azores Summer Time | Atlantic | UTC |
AZOT | Azores Time | Atlantic | UTC - 1 hour |
AZST | Azerbaijan Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 5 hours |
AZT | Azerbaijan Time | Asia | UTC + 4 hours |
B | Bravo Time Zone | Military | UTC + 2 hours |
BNT | Brunei Darussalam Time | Asia | UTC + 8 hours |
BOT | Bolivia Time | South America | UTC - 4 hours |
BRST | Brasilia Summer Time | South America | UTC - 2 hours |
BRT | Brasília time | South America | UTC - 3 hours |
BST | Bangladesh Standard Time | Asia | UTC + 6 hours |
BST | British Summer Time | Europe | UTC + 1 hour |
BTT | Bhutan Time | Asia | UTC + 6 hours |
C | Charlie Time Zone | Military | UTC + 3 hours |
CAST | Casey Time | Antarctica | UTC + 8 hours |
CAT | Central Africa Time | Africa | UTC + 2 hours |
CCT | Cocos Islands Time | Indian Ocean | UTC + 6:30 hours |
CDT | Central Daylight Time | Australia | UTC + 10:30 hours |
CDT | Cuba Daylight Time | Caribbean | UTC - 4 hours |
CDT | Central Daylight Time | North America | UTC - 5 hours |
CEST | Central European Summer Time | Europe | UTC + 2 hours |
CET | Central European Time | Africa | UTC + 1 hour |
CET | Central European Time | Europe | UTC + 1 hour |
CHADT | Chatham Island Daylight Time | Pacific | UTC + 13:45 hours |
CHAST | Chatham Island Standard Time | Pacific | UTC + 12:45 hours |
CKT | Cook Island Time | Pacific | UTC - 10 hours |
CLST | Chile Summer Time | South America | UTC - 3 hours |
CLT | Chile Standard Time | South America | UTC - 4 hours |
COT | Colombia Time | South America | UTC - 5 hours |
CST | China Standard Time | Asia | UTC + 8 hours |
CST | Central Standard Time | Australia | UTC + 9:30 hours |
CST | Central Standard Time | Central America | UTC - 6 hours |
CST | Cuba Standard Time | Caribbean | UTC - 5 hours |
CST | Central Standard Time | North America | UTC - 6 hours |
CVT | Cape Verde Time | Africa | UTC - 1 hour |
CXT | Christmas Island Time | Australia | UTC + 7 hours |
ChST | Chamorro Standard Time | Pacific | UTC + 10 hours |
D | Delta Time Zone | Military | UTC + 4 hours |
DAVT | Davis Time | Antarctica | UTC + 7 hours |
E | Echo Time Zone | Military | UTC + 5 hours |
EASST | Easter Island Summer Time | Pacific | UTC - 5 hours |
EAST | Easter Island Standard Time | Pacific | UTC - 6 hours |
EAT | Eastern Africa Time | Africa | UTC + 3 hours |
EAT | East Africa Time | Indian Ocean | UTC + 3 hours |
ECT | Ecuador Time | South America | UTC - 5 hours |
EDT | Eastern Daylight Time | Australia | UTC + 11 hours |
EDT | Eastern Daylight Time | Caribbean | UTC - 4 hours |
EDT | Eastern Daylight Time | North America | UTC - 4 hours |
EDT | Eastern Daylight Time | Pacific | UTC + 11 hours |
EEST | Eastern European Summer Time | Africa | UTC + 3 hours |
EEST | Eastern European Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 3 hours |
EEST | Eastern European Summer Time | Europe | UTC + 3 hours |
EET | Eastern European Time | Africa | UTC + 2 hours |
EET | Eastern European Time | Asia | UTC + 2 hours |
EET | Eastern European Time | Europe | UTC + 2 hours |
EGST | Eastern Greenland Summer Time | North America | UTC |
EGT | East Greenland Time | North America | UTC - 1 hour |
EST | Eastern Standard Time | Australia | UTC + 10 hours |
EST | Eastern Standard Time | Central America | UTC - 5 hours |
EST | Eastern Standard Time | Caribbean | UTC - 5 hours |
EST | Eastern Standard Time | North America | UTC - 5 hours |
ET | Tiempo del Este | Central America | UTC - 5 hours |
ET | Tiempo del Este | Caribbean | UTC - 5 hours |
ET | Tiempo Del Este | North America | UTC - 5 hours |
F | Foxtrot Time Zone | Military | UTC + 6 hours |
FJST | Fiji Summer Time | Pacific | UTC + 13 hours |
FJT | Fiji Time | Pacific | UTC + 12 hours |
FKST | Falkland Islands Summer Time | South America | UTC - 3 hours |
FKT | Falkland Island Time | South America | UTC - 4 hours |
FNT | Fernando de Noronha Time | South America | UTC - 2 hours |
G | Golf Time Zone | Military | UTC + 7 hours |
GALT | Galapagos Time | Pacific | UTC - 6 hours |
GAMT | Gambier Time | Pacific | UTC - 9 hours |
GET | Georgia Standard Time | Asia | UTC + 4 hours |
GFT | French Guiana Time | South America | UTC - 3 hours |
GILT | Gilbert Island Time | Pacific | UTC + 12 hours |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time | Africa | UTC |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time | Europe | UTC |
GST | Gulf Standard Time | Asia | UTC + 4 hours |
GYT | Guyana Time | South America | UTC - 4 hours |
H | Hotel Time Zone | Military | UTC + 8 hours |
HAA | Heure Avancée de l'Atlantique | Atlantic | UTC - 3 hours |
HAA | Heure Avancée de l'Atlantique | North America | UTC - 3 hours |
HAC | Heure Avancée du Centre | North America | UTC - 5 hours |
HADT | Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time | North America | UTC - 9 hours |
HAE | Heure Avancée de l'Est | Caribbean | UTC - 4 hours |
HAE | Heure Avancée de l'Est | North America | UTC - 4 hours |
HAP | Heure Avancée du Pacifique | North America | UTC - 7 hours |
HAR | Heure Avancée des Rocheuses | North America | UTC - 6 hours |
HAST | Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time | North America | UTC - 10 hours |
HAT | Heure Avancée de Terre-Neuve | North America | UTC - 2:30 hours |
HAY | Heure Avancée du Yukon | North America | UTC - 8 hours |
HKT | Hong Kong Time | Asia | UTC + 8 hours |
HLV | Hora Legal de Venezuela | South America | UTC - 4:30 hours |
HNA | Heure Normale de l'Atlantique | Atlantic | UTC - 4 hours |
HNA | Heure Normale de l'Atlantique | Caribbean | UTC - 4 hours |
HNA | Heure Normale de l'Atlantique | North America | UTC - 4 hours |
HNC | Heure Normale du Centre | Central America | UTC - 6 hours |
HNC | Heure Normale du Centre | North America | UTC - 6 hours |
HNE | Heure Normale de l'Est | Central America | UTC - 5 hours |
HNE | Heure Normale de l'Est | Caribbean | UTC - 5 hours |
HNE | Heure Normale de l'Est | North America | UTC - 5 hours |
HNP | Heure Normale du Pacifique | North America | UTC - 8 hours |
HNR | Heure Normale des Rocheuses | North America | UTC - 7 hours |
HNT | Heure Normale de Terre-Neuve | North America | UTC - 3:30 hours |
HNY | Heure Normale du Yukon | North America | UTC - 9 hours |
HOVT | Hovd Time | Asia | UTC + 7 hours |
I | India Time Zone | Military | UTC + 9 hours |
ICT | Indochina Time | Asia | UTC + 7 hours |
IDT | Israel Daylight Time | Asia | UTC + 3 hours |
IOT | Indian Chagos Time | Indian Ocean | UTC + 6 hours |
IRDT | Iran Daylight Time | Asia | UTC + 4:30 hours |
IRKST | Irkutsk Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 9 hours |
IRKT | Irkutsk Time | Asia | UTC + 8 hours |
IRST | Iran Standard Time | Asia | UTC + 3:30 hours |
IST | Israel Standard Time | Asia | UTC + 2 hours |
IST | India Standard Time | Asia | UTC + 5:30 hours |
IST | Irish Standard Time | Europe | UTC + 1 hour |
JST | Japan Standard Time | Asia | UTC + 9 hours |
K | Kilo Time Zone | Military | UTC + 10 hours |
KGT | Kyrgyzstan Time | Asia | UTC + 6 hours |
KRAST | Krasnoyarsk Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 8 hours |
KRAT | Krasnoyarsk Time | Asia | UTC + 7 hours |
KST | Korea Standard Time | Asia | UTC + 9 hours |
KUYT | Kuybyshev Time | Europe | UTC + 4 hours |
L | Lima Time Zone | Military | UTC + 11 hours |
LHDT | Lord Howe Daylight Time | Australia | UTC + 11 hours |
LHST | Lord Howe Standard Time | Australia | UTC + 10:30 hours |
LINT | Line Islands Time | Pacific | UTC + 14 hours |
M | Mike Time Zone | Military | UTC + 12 hours |
MAGST | Magadan Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 12 hours |
MAGT | Magadan Time | Asia | UTC + 11 hours |
MART | Marquesas Time | Pacific | UTC - 9:30 hours |
MAWT | Mawson Time | Antarctica | UTC + 5 hours |
MDT | Mountain Daylight Time | North America | UTC - 6 hours |
MHT | Marshall Islands Time | Pacific | UTC + 12 hours |
MMT | Myanmar Time | Asia | UTC + 6:30 hours |
MSD | Moscow Daylight Time | Europe | UTC + 4 hours |
MSK | Moscow Standard Time | Europe | UTC + 3 hours |
MST | Mountain Standard Time | North America | UTC - 7 hours |
MUT | Mauritius Time | Africa | UTC + 4 hours |
MVT | Maldives Time | Asia | UTC + 5 hours |
MYT | Malaysia Time | Asia | UTC + 8 hours |
N | November Time Zone | Military | UTC - 1 hour |
NCT | New Caledonia Time | Pacific | UTC + 11 hours |
NDT | Newfoundland Daylight Time | North America | UTC - 2:30 hours |
NFT | Norfolk Time | Australia | UTC + 11:30 hours |
NOVST | Novosibirsk Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 7 hours |
NOVT | Novosibirsk Time | Asia | UTC + 6 hours |
NPT | Nepal Time | Asia | UTC + 5:45 hours |
NST | Newfoundland Standard Time | North America | UTC - 3:30 hours |
NUT | Niue Time | Pacific | UTC - 11 hours |
NZDT | New Zealand Daylight Time | Antarctica | UTC + 13 hours |
NZDT | New Zealand Daylight Time | Pacific | UTC + 13 hours |
NZST | New Zealand Standard Time | Antarctica | UTC + 12 hours |
NZST | New Zealand Standard Time | Pacific | UTC + 12 hours |
O | Oscar Time Zone | Military | UTC - 2 hours |
OMSST | Omsk Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 7 hours |
OMST | Omsk Standard Time | Asia | UTC + 6 hours |
P | Papa Time Zone | Military | UTC - 3 hours |
PDT | Pacific Daylight Time | North America | UTC - 7 hours |
PET | Peru Time | South America | UTC - 5 hours |
PETST | Kamchatka Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 12 hours |
PETT | Kamchatka Time | Asia | UTC + 12 hours |
PGT | Papua New Guinea Time | Pacific | UTC + 10 hours |
PHOT | Phoenix Island Time | Pacific | UTC + 13 hours |
PHT | Philippine Time | Asia | UTC + 8 hours |
PKT | Pakistan Standard Time | Asia | UTC + 5 hours |
PMDT | Pierre & Miquelon Daylight Time | North America | UTC - 2 hours |
PMST | Pierre & Miquelon Standard Time | North America | UTC - 3 hours |
PONT | Pohnpei Standard Time | Pacific | UTC + 11 hours |
PST | Pacific Standard Time | North America | UTC - 8 hours |
PST | Pitcairn Standard Time | Pacific | UTC - 8 hours |
PT | Tiempo del Pacífico | North America | UTC - 8 hours |
PWT | Palau Time | Pacific | UTC + 9 hours |
PYST | Paraguay Summer Time | South America | UTC - 3 hours |
PYT | Paraguay Time | South America | UTC - 4 hours |
Q | Quebec Time Zone | Military | UTC - 4 hours |
R | Romeo Time Zone | Military | UTC - 5 hours |
RET | Reunion Time | Africa | UTC + 4 hours |
S | Sierra Time Zone | Military | UTC - 6 hours |
SAMT | Samara Time | Europe | UTC + 4 hours |
SAST | South Africa Standard Time | Africa | UTC + 2 hours |
SBT | Solomon IslandsTime | Pacific | UTC + 11 hours |
SCT | Seychelles Time | Africa | UTC + 4 hours |
SGT | Singapore Time | Asia | UTC + 8 hours |
SRT | Suriname Time | South America | UTC - 3 hours |
SST | Samoa Standard Time | Pacific | UTC - 11 hours |
T | Tango Time Zone | Military | UTC - 7 hours |
TAHT | Tahiti Time | Pacific | UTC - 10 hours |
TFT | French Southern and Antarctic Time | Indian Ocean | UTC + 5 hours |
TJT | Tajikistan Time | Asia | UTC + 5 hours |
TKT | Tokelau Time | Pacific | UTC - 10 hours |
TLT | East Timor Time | Asia | UTC + 9 hours |
TMT | Turkmenistan Time | Asia | UTC + 5 hours |
TVT | Tuvalu Time | Pacific | UTC + 12 hours |
U | Uniform Time Zone | Military | UTC - 8 hours |
ULAT | Ulaanbaatar Time | Asia | UTC + 8 hours |
UYST | Uruguay Summer Time | South America | UTC - 2 hours |
UYT | Uruguay Time | South America | UTC - 3 hours |
UZT | Uzbekistan Time | Asia | UTC + 5 hours |
V | Victor Time Zone | Military | UTC - 9 hours |
VET | Venezuelan Standard Time | South America | UTC - 4:30 hours |
VLAST | Vladivostok Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 11 hours |
VLAT | Vladivostok Time | Asia | UTC + 10 hours |
VUT | Vanuatu Time | Pacific | UTC + 11 hours |
W | Whiskey Time Zone | Military | UTC - 10 hours |
WAST | West Africa Summer Time | Africa | UTC + 2 hours |
WAT | West Africa Time | Africa | UTC + 1 hour |
WDT | Western Daylight Time | Australia | UTC + 9 hours |
WEST | Western European Summer Time | Africa | UTC + 1 hour |
WEST | Western European Summer Time | Europe | UTC + 1 hour |
WET | Western European Time | Africa | UTC |
WET | Western European Time | Europe | UTC |
WFT | Wallis and Futuna Time | Pacific | UTC + 12 hours |
WGST | Western Greenland Summer Time | North America | UTC - 2 hours |
WGT | West Greenland Time | North America | UTC - 3 hours |
WIB | Western Indonesian Time | Asia | UTC + 7 hours |
WIT | Eastern Indonesian Time | Asia | UTC + 9 hours |
WITA | Central Indonesian Time | Asia | UTC + 8 hours |
WST | Western Sahara Summer Time | Africa | UTC + 1 hour |
WST | Western Standard Time | Australia | UTC + 8 hours |
WST | West Samoa Time | Pacific | UTC - 11 hours |
WT | Western Sahara Standard Time | Africa | UTC |
X | X-ray Time Zone | Military | UTC - 11 hours |
Y | Yankee Time Zone | Military | UTC - 12 hours |
YAKST | Yakutsk Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 10 hours |
YAKT | Yakutsk Time | Asia | UTC + 9 hours |
YAPT | Yap Time | Pacific | UTC + 10 hours |
YEKST | Yekaterinburg Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 6 hours |
YEKT | Yekaterinburg Time | Asia | UTC + 5 hours |
Z | Zulu Time Zone | Military | UTC |
Time Zone and other travel tools
Sources for Time Zone and Daylight Saving Time Data
List of time zones by UTC offset
Time Zone Offset from Universal Time
settimeofday()--Set System Clock
Setting the timezone on OpenWrt
List of tz database time zones
TimeZone/format selection on OpenWRT
PHP:List of Supported Timezones
Time Synchronisation on OpenWrt
Timezones for humans: an open-source timezone converter
C++ Boost Libraries for timezone
Setup system date/time by timezone in C
tznconfig source files :Google code