目前分類:C/C++ 程式設計 (73)

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Install C++ Boost

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typedef 知多少?

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何謂callback function

簡單的說,如果你使用了某個function,那麼你就是『call』了一個function。如果系統或是函式是要求你給一個function pointer,這個function pointer指到一個實際的函式(多半這個函式是你自己寫的)。然後它會在適當的時間呼叫此function,則此function就是所謂的 callback function。因為這個function是被『callback』了。

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Programming in C++ - User-Defined Types and Header Files / Graphics

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Selection Sorts

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One-Dimensional Arrays 

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Program Execution: How do I compile C++ code?

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How to Compile C++ with gcc

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"Right-Left" Rule

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Instructions for use

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Programming in C++ - In-Depth Look at Functions / Pointers

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Programming in C++ - Text Files, Strings, Random Numbers, and Member Function

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Using Sentinel Values

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Control Structures

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Type Conversion

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C++ syntax

The syntax of C++ is extremely critical. By definition, syntax is the rules governing the formation of statements in a programming language. In other words, it is the specific language (code) you use to turn algorithms into programs and specifc rules you have to follow when programming with C++. As you will find out, if you make one small mistake when writing code, the compiler will notify you of the syntax error when you try to run it. C++, like all languages, is very picky when it comes to syntax. Let's look at a simple example program written in C++.

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