目前分類:FreeBSD/UNIX/Mac OSX (133)

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Using UCI on Mac OS X


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Porting OpenWrt-nvram to Mac OS X



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An installation of MacPorts and the ports installed by it are only designed to work on a single OS release and a single CPU architecture. If you upgrade to a new OS version (e.g. from Leopard to Snow Leopard) or migrate to a new machine with a different type of CPU (e.g. PowerPC to Intel), you may get lucky and have your ports keep working, but in general, things will break.

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免費Mac OS X螢幕保護程式夾帶間諜程式

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Apple iPhone 4 32GB 


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Leopard 將會是真的 UNIX


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Snow Leopard上市,你有辦法完全享受到嗎?

CNET/楊士範 2009/08/27 14:10

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Apple 介紹 Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard

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■ 微軟以Windows 7開始反擊蘋果與Linux

25年以來,微軟在個人電腦市場的作業系統主導地位一直未受到人們質疑。可是隨著Windows Vista推出之後,由於其對記憶體需求過高,使得其不再受到人們喜愛。同時,蘋果借助於iPod與iPhone的風暴以及『I'm a Mac』的電視廣告,讓蘋果麥金塔在PC市場的佔有率逼近兩位數。之後,Linux於2008年借助小筆電之力,在這個市場也提高了影響力。

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解析Windows為何比Mac OS X更易受攻擊

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Update-Apple Mac OS X存在多項弱點 可能導致執行任意程式、DoS攻擊等憾事

蘋果(Apple)日前發佈2008-006安全更新公告,且一併釋出Mac OS X 10.5.5更新程式,旨在修正多個影響Apple Mac OS X與Mac OS X Server的安全弱點,該公司同時強調,攻擊者可能利用這些弱點執行任意程式、存取敏感資訊,抑或造成阻斷服務攻擊,不論結果為何,危害程度皆屬不輕, 因此呼籲相關用戶應及早下載並安裝修補程式,據此避免蒙受惡意攻擊。

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HOWTO: Fix Apple's WebKit and JavaScriptCore Framework Error

The error message:


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Creating an ISO Image under Unix(-like)

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在Windows上被廣泛使用的P2P技術BT,也可以在Mac OS X上使用無誤,知名的Azureus BT軟體,就有推出Mac OS X版本。不過因為Azureus的Java結構,導致在使用上效率會有點緩慢,如果要使用BT下載,推薦使用的是另外一套免費的BT軟體Transmission。

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Mac OS X 10.5將使用ZFS檔案系統

下一個版本的Mac OS X檔案系統將會使用ZFS,而不是目前的HFS+,使用ZFS有非常多好處,不過因為內容複雜,我直接簡略的寫出幾個重點:

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How-to: Read and Write NTFS Windows Partition on Mac OS X


Updated: from MacFuse 0.1.0 Beta 6 to 0.3.0

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Windows 3D 遊戲 in VMware Fusion for Mac OS X

3D Graphics in VMware Fusion for Mac OS X
VMWare Fusion 除了可以在 Mac OS X 中執行 Windows XP 之外,還將能夠讓執行於虛擬環境中的 Windows XP 獲得硬體直接貼圖的功能(硬體直接加速 3D 繪圖),讓虛擬環境中的 Windows XP 遊戲能力大增。底下是相關影片:

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Microsoft® Wireless Optical Desktop for Bluetooth™


Get your hands on the ultimate desktop—the most advanced cable-replacement technology available meets sleek style and ergonomic design. Experience programmable Hot Keys, one-touch multimedia keys, and the power of optical technology. The included Microsoft Wireless Transceiver for Bluetooth® works with your keyboard and mouse, providing a wireless range of up to 30 feet. Bluetooth continues to set the bar for the emerging wireless world, so you can easily add other compatible Bluetooth devices.

Wireless Optical Desktop for Bluetooth

Key Features

  • Wireless
  • USB connector
  • Hot keys
  • Includes mouse
  • Integrated palm rest


  • Includes Wireless Optical Mouse and Keyboard
  • Enjoy desktop harmony—this set includes a wireless optical mouse that accents the stylish design of the keyboard.

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