目前分類:FreeBSD/UNIX/Mac OSX (133)

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TinyOS (Telos) on OS X

Quick, Dirty, and Working Method for Telos

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Change your Tiger's icons into Leopard's

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Embedded FreeBSD Cookbook (Embedded Technology)

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Linux PDF printer driver

Here's something I've done in my linux-box ; so I have a printer named "pdf", and if I choose it, a pdf-file is created in my home-directory with a name based on the current date. Maybe you'll have to adapt it, and you must of course have a ghostcript version with the output-device pdfwrite available (try "gs --help | grep pdfwrite"). Most applications with a GUI give a menu where you can select the name of the printer.


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find command on Unix/Linux/MacOS

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現在的人有時候都不一定只會擁有一台電 腦,並且有的人可能從pc/windows的平台轉換到mac平台來,如果要互相傳遞資料的時候該怎麼辦呢?接下來我們將針對三種不同情形的區域網路設定 來做介紹,首先要提到的事情是,電腦與電腦之間的連結,需要透過網路線及HUB,或至少二台電腦間要有網路線做聯繫,如果是二台mac,你可以使用一般的 網路線即可,如果是pc對mac,請使用跳線的網路線,但是透過hub及網路線的方式較為建議,並且你至少要懂得windows端的乙太網路設定的基本常 識,這部分在此將會掠過。
一、mac os x與mac os x連接

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FreeBSD 6.0架設管理與應用

書名:FreeBSD 6.0架設管理與應用


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Mac OS X 資料大全

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從 FreeBSD 5.4 Release-p7 升級到 FreeBSD 6.0 安裝 Kernel 步驟

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Running a GNU/Linux Distribution on Mac OS X using Bochs

Bluelove1968 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If you're running Tiger and Virtual PC 7 (or any other VPC version), you'll likely have gotten the error "Unable to initialize Virtual Switch Networking" when you tried to start it - what that is by the way is more or less the ability for the VPC to get it's own IP on the network instead of using the built in proxy.

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在 Mac OS X 包裝輸入法,恐怕又比其他各種應用程式來得更困難。

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DarwinPorts 介紹:以升級安裝 vim 為例

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Fink for tiger

今天把 fink 更新到 tiger 版 (0.8.0),順便做一下筆記

Bluelove1968 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

在 Mac 下打 BBS 的軟體超級比一比

1.Mac OS X 內建的 "終端機(Terminal.app)" -- 使用內建的 Monaco 字型來測試
2.iTerm 0.81: 官方網站 中文化 -- 使用內建的 Monaco 字型來測試

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Using open source software on Mac OS X


If you want to make use of open source software on a Macintosh running OS X, you have plenty of options. The Fink project modifies Unix/Linux open source packages to run on Mac OS X, and gives users the ability to build from source or download precompiled binaries. Many open source packages have native OS X versions -- Firefox, Thunderbird, Abiword, Nvu, and the GIMP among them. But if you dig deeper, you will find quite a few Mac-only open source software gems. Here are a few of the best open source programs written specifically for Mac OS X.

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