Please don't abuse the "little(Hīnayāna)
/Dr. b. p. Kirthisinghe Wei Shantao
/ Dr. B. P. Kirthisinghe   魏 善 韜

Note: this article is translated from Dr. Buddhadasa p. Kirthisinghe: "a Letter to the Editor", original publication of the sound of Buddhism (Voice of Buddhism) June,1983 Vol.20,No.l,p.p.92-93. The writer was a frequent writer to the sound of Buddhist writer. This is a statement about Mahāyāna Buddhism Theravada fact of injury letters. Mahāyāna Buddhism has been abusing "small square(Hīnayāna)" call Theravada, the arrogant words, often intentionally or unintentionally, in the mouth or in the text of the Mahayana followers, which in addition to reveal their arrogant habit, also do harm to the fundamental teaching of Buddha.
編按:本文譯自 Dr. Buddhadasa  P. Kirthisinghe:“A  Letter  to  the  Editor”,原載《佛教之聲》(Voice of Buddhism)June,1983 Vol.20,No.l,p.p.92-93。本文作者是一位經常撰稿於《佛教之聲》的作家。這是一封陳述有關大乘佛教(Mahāyāna)傷害上座部佛教(Theravada)事實的信件。大乘佛教一直濫用「小乘(Hīnayāna)」來稱呼上座部佛教(Theravada),這個傲慢無禮的用詞,經常有意無意地出現在大乘教徒的口中或文字中,這除了流露他們的傲慢習性之外,也傷害佛陀的根本教法
 "all religions are in some ways there is a respectable place. Through practice and promote their religion, and at the same time as . other religious services." This is a briefing of the Buddha. Third century before Christ, the great Buddhist monarch Ashoka of lives of people on the syntactic and sinks into the tombstone, now this piece of Royal steles still stand erect in India on the Mainland.

 if all religions should be treated in this manner, then why is a religious (especially Buddhism), one of the sectarian system, cannot be treated by the same spirit? Why a at the same time or at least better than other "large" more oldest Theravada Buddhist schools, should be regarded as inferior, so low? Why follow the classic Theravada remained as derogatory name of "little squares" (Hīnayāna)? And even in Tibet's Buddhist magazines in America and Europe, by some scholars and many Buddhist groups accused of selfishness, small-minded? Theravada system will not be allowed to occupy a place in the Buddhist do? It should continue to be considered "large (Maha)" Buddhist groups regarded as untouchables (Candala)? I hope they will be more sympathetic to the tolerance, because the sthaviravada Dharma system of cultivation, in accordance with the Buddha lived the way you teach. Under United Kingdom India India authority of Buddhism scholar Dr Warder said, is to save the original sthaviravada system one of the faction of the Buddhist moral principles

Dr. Warder in his recent works "Indian Buddhism" (Second Edition) statement: "Buddha teachings are saved in the Department of philosophy, sthaviravada, much learning Department and the Department seems to be closest to the moral principles taught in person when the Buddha was alive. "Buddhist faction of the latter two have now died out. We can say that this third faction in the moral principles in General is consistent with, can be seen as an Orthodox Buddhist heritage. All of the other, it can be seen as part of the history of philosophy and religion evolution itself has its own intriguing, but moral principles in some way with the Buddha has a more or less distorted or deviation.
Warder 博士在其近作“Indian  Buddhism”(第二版)陳述:「在保存佛陀教義哲理的部派中,上座部、多聞部及經量部似乎是最接近佛陀在世時所親自教導的義理。」後兩者佛教部派現在已經絕跡了。我們可以說此三部派在義理大體上是一致的,可視為正統的佛教傳承其他的種種,則可視為哲學和宗教演變歷史的一部分,其本身自有其引人入勝之處,但是與佛陀親傳的義理在某些方面有著或多或少的扭曲或偏離。我再補充一點,大乘宗師自行將世尊的教理加油添酯撰寫新的佛經,其大部分皆宣稱其義理高過上座部佛法。他們的宣稱難道不是非常膚淺的嗎?既是如此,我們傲慢自大的大乘教友,為什麼要試圖輕視由上座部系統所保存的原始佛陀教理
Tibetan Buddhist groups seems to be the main offender: they claim to be themselves the highest, other Mahayana faithful medium, while the so-called small believers is the lowest. Such a crude and cruel words imposed upon according to the true teaching of the Buddha to teach the faithful! Absorbing the non-primitive Buddhism in the Tibetan Buddhist system, external repair-method of secret mantra with the key-holder borrowed from India Brahmanism, borrowed from Christ Tai to Yan dynasty during the diwuzhiqi century Yin Dasi (lndus) civilization. Tibetan Buddhism has also pushed the original religion of Tibet "stupid taught" to join its line of Buddhism; but sthaviravada Buddhists did not despise them and Buddhism in the psychological interest less coherent ritual, the introduction of Buddhism in the system. So why are these Tibetan Buddhist groups, the poor and humble words, stop at the nearest teaching Buddha was alive the sthaviravada Buddhists who do? It must at some point there was some kind of error.

Hopefully all to comply with the correct behavior, avoid using expose SB. 's past misdeeds of offensive language, while respecting the spirit and practice a ride. I hope our method to whatever you like truth, rather than trying to derogatory sthaviravada or any early Buddhist faction, because we are followers of the Buddha.


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