量子榨能機 - 量子蒸汽機從熱力學第二定律殺出另一條活路 |
作者╱明克爾 ( JR Minkel ) 譯者╱胡崇德 |
By JR Minkel |
The fathers of thermodynamics got a lot of mileage from thought experiments about gas-filled engines conjoined to reservoirs of hot and cold. Today a few physicists are playing with quantum mechanics in hopes of finding new methods to control and create energy flow in quantum versions of the steam engine. Their research suggests that it is possible to “beat” the inviolable second law of thermodynamics with some quantum sleight-of-hand.
任何物理循環過程的效率都會受到熱力學第二定律的規範,亦即 能量必須在兩個溫度不同的熱庫間流動才能產生功,而能量的流動往往會使系統的無序程度增加。這兩個熱庫溫度的比值,決定出熱機運轉的最高效率,而這就是有 名的卡諾效率(Carnot efficiency),以此紀念19世紀法國物理學家卡諾(Sadi Carnot)。
The second law limits the efficiency of any physical process. In essence, it states that, to perform work, energy must flow between two reservoirs set at different temperatures. The flow introduces disorder into the system. The temperature difference between the two baths determines the engine's maximum, or Carnot, efficiency, named after 19th-century French physicist Sadi Carnot.
美國德州農工大學的史 卡利(Marlan O. Scully)的量子光學研究群,想到一個可以從單一個熱庫裡榨取出功的法子,如此一來,似乎便可以跨越卡諾極限而打破熱力學第二定律了。這套實驗的構想 是讓光子在空腔的兩面鏡子間來回反射,其中一面鏡子可以像活塞一般地活動。氣體原子循環通過空腔構成熱庫,它們會以光子的形式釋放出熱能,而且這些原子很 特別,它們的狀態由三種電子態組成:一個受激態,以及兩個幾乎相同且疊加在一起的鬆弛態。這就是所謂的同調性,它會影響光子吸收,卻對光子放射沒有影響。 通常溫度會決定原子所能釋放的熱量,但如此一來原子就能釋出更多的熱。
Marlan O. Scully's quantum optics group at Texas A&M University has calculated a way to extract work from a single heat bath, thereby surmounting the Carnot limit and giving the appearance of breaking the second law. This setup would rely on photons rebounding in a small cavity between two mirrors, one of which would act as a piston. The bath is a circulating gas of atoms that emits heat in the form of photons as it passes through the mirrored cavity. The atoms are prepared in a special fashion. Each atom has three electron states: an excited state and two nearly identical relaxed states that are quantum-mechanically mixed. This so-called coherence interferes with the absorption of photons but permits the emission of photons to proceed unfettered, causing an excess of heat beyond what the temperature of the atoms alone would dictate.
同調性是量子力學的特性之一,它能使光子步調一致,讓原子同時處於兩種 狀態。從熱力學的觀點來看,同調性讓系統具有更多的秩序,能使熱機跳脫熱力學第二定律的平衡狀態;反過來說,美國喬治亞大學物理學家李(M. Howard Lee)的研究證實,沒有同調性的光子氣體便會以一般的卡諾效率推動活塞。
Coherence is a unique property of quantum mechanics that allows laser photons to march in lockstep and atoms to be in two states at once. Thermodynamically speaking, coherence is an extra dose of order, which pushes the engine out of the uniform state of equilibrium, where the second law applies. An incoherent photon gas, in contrast, pumps a piston with the usual Carnot efficiency, as shown in a study by physicist M. Howard Lee of the University of Georgia.
史卡利聲稱他的團隊已經展現出古典的熱機無法產生的 效應,一點點同調性就能使輸出的功大為增加。但是同調性非常脆弱,就像用撲克牌搭成的房子,為了製造同調性,所輸入的微波能量是輸出功的三到四倍,因此這 套裝置要實際派上用場,可沒那麼容易。不過,美國麻省理工學院的羅伊德(Seth Lloyd)卻認為,史卡利的研究能為同調性的利用指引一條明路,例如如何讓雷射或熱電式冷凍機達到理想的效率極限,他說︰「如果量子同調性能做到這點就 太好了。」
Scully states that his team's analysis demonstrates effects that classical heat engines cannot produce—a tiny bit of coherence can cause a significant boost in work output. Coherence is as fragile as a house of cards, however, and building it up in this case costs three or four times as much energy, in the form of microwaves, as the engine puts out. These handicaps may mean that the effect probably will not readily find applications. Nevertheless, Seth Lloyd of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology comments that Scully's investigation may help point the way toward using coherence to bring lasers or thermoelectric refrigerators closer to their ideal efficiency limits. “If quantum coherence could do that for you, that would be great,” Lloyd notes.
Scully is also attempting to construct and test a laser-engine hybrid. In 2002 he proposed that a quantum “afterburner” could squeeze extra work from some ideal engines that operate below the Carnot limit if the exhaust atoms were stimulated to produce laser light.
Most physicists see no reason why quantum mechanics should damage Carnot's result. Quantum changes preserve disorder, so the second law is built in from the beginning, Lloyd observes. Looking for ways to improve heat engines is “a praiseworthy branch of quantum engineering,” he remarks, “but don't expect violations of the second law—it's not going to happen.”