• wild bird calls
• taking a break from the news
• delicate swirls of lace
• trying an exotic fruit
• wintry Vermont woods

adj : self-styled, so-called
John is one of those soi-disant experts who never seem to have all the facts within their grasp.


「Soi-disant,」 which in French means literally 「saying oneself,」 is one of hundreds of French terms that entered English in the 18th century, during the period known as the Enlightenment. Even as political antipathies between France and England were being played out on battlefields in Europe and America, English-speakers like Lord Chesterfield (a patron of letters and an intimate of Voltaire) were peppering their correspondence with French. 「Soi-disant」 first began appearing in English texts in 1752 as a disparaging adjective for those who style or fancy themselves in some role. 「Crêpe,」 「vis-à-vis,」 「etiquette,」 and 「sangfroid」 are a few of the other French borrowings that date back to that time.

Tofu Burgers

These burgers are good hot or cold and great on sesame buns.

1 pound (454 g) tofu
2 cups (7 oz/199 g) rolled oats
1 tablespoon (15 ml) ketchup
1 tablespoon (15 ml) Worcestershire sauce
1 small onion, minced
1 teaspoon (5 ml) prepared mustard
1 teaspoon (5 ml) salt
1/4 teaspoon (1.3 ml) pepper
2 tablespoons (1 fl oz/30 ml) butter or safflower oil

Garnishes: lettuce, sliced onions and tomatoes, sprouts, pickles (optional)

Crumble the tofu in a large mixing bowl. Place oats in blender and whirl into a coarse flour. Add oats to tofu and blend well with wooden spoon. Add all other ingredients, except garnishes, to tofu, blending well. Wet your hands and form thin burgers, making them the size of your roll or bun.

Heat oil in a heavy skillet. Fry burgers at a low temperature, about 8 minutes on each side.

Serve on buns or rolls with suggested garnishes or whatever else tickles your fancy. Burgers freeze well once fried and can be reheated by frying gently in a small amount of oil.

Yield: 6 large burgers

Time: 15 to 20 minutes

The Original SUDOKU Calendar
Easy  Easy PuzzleTime: _______

Five-minute vacations, regularly done, may be worth more than rushed, sporadic weeks here and there.

Judge: Jethro, you're accused of stealing a printer.

Jethro: It's a case of mistaken identity, Your Honor.

Judge: Five reliable witnesses say they saw you running from the store carrying a printer. So how can it be a case of mistaken identity?

Jethro: I thought I was carrying a cash register.

DOT MATRIXdifficultyHow many dots will be in the next figure in the sequence below?


Hint: Each successive figure adds a new column of dots on the right. .


P. J. Tracy's mysteries offer a little something for everyone, which may explain why everyone seems to love them. Expect a quick pace, snappy dialogue, endearing characters, romance, suspense, and blood and guts. In Live Bait, Twin Cities detectives Leo and Gino worry that business is slow, until a series of murders promises to keep them plenty busy.
LIVE BAIT, by P. J. Tracy (Signet, 2005)
P. J. Tracy is a pseudonym for the mother-daughter writing team of Patricia and Traci Lambrecht.


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