ave a happy New Year with the Women Who Do Too Much calendar! May this year be happy, healing, sweet, successful, and 「spot-on.」

Jethro: How was the New Year』s Eve party?

Monty: It was fine until my wife insisted I was drinking too much.

Jethro: What did you say?

Monty: I said she didn』t know what she was talking about. And then I put on my hat and coat and told her I could prove I was sober by driving us home safely.

Jethro: What did she say?

Monty: She reminded me that the party was at our house.

In 2004, the food world was rapt. Julie Powell, a secretary from Queens, was cooking her way through every recipe in Julia Child』s 1961 landmark cookbook, Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Powell was documenting her progress—struggles and triumphs—on a blog known as the Julie/Julia Project, and readers were on the edges of their chairs, rooting for her. Would the aspic set? Would she cook all 524 recipes within the year? Would her marriage survive this insane challenge she set for herself? If you are a foodie or if you just appreciate a quirky mind, you must read this fascinating, one-of-a-kind memoir.
JULIE & JULIA, by Julie Powell (Little, Brown, 2005)

The Original SUDOKU Calendar
Very Easy  Very Easy PuzzleTime: _______
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LOST IN TRANSLATIONdifficultyThese figures of speech were translated by computer to another language, then back into English, with surprising results. What were the original figures of speech?



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futurity fu*tu"ri*ty, n.; pl. {Futurities}.
n *1: future 2: the quality or state of being future 3 plural : future events or prospects
*Last week's speaker exhorted us to change the way we live today, instead of
looking toward some vague futurity.


"Futurity" is a forward-looking word with a very literate past. It's first
known use is in Shakespeare's Othello,when the downtrodden
Cassio,mystified by why Othello has turned against him,beseeches
 Desdemona to tell him whether
his "offense be such mortal kind/That
 nor my service past, nor present sorrows,
/Nor purpos'd merit in
 futurity/Can ransom me into his love again." The
term was also used by
 Benjamin Franklin("I must one of these days go back
to see him ... but
 futurities are uncertain"), and Sir Walter Scott wrote
of events "still in the
 womb of futurity." Modern speakers often use "futurity"
to describe a horse
 race,usually for two-years-olds,in which the competitors
are entered at birth
 or before.

Vitamin Soup


Begin the New Year bright eyed and bushy tailed with the help of this vitamin-rich soup. If you put your Crock-pot on low, you can simmer this soup almost all day. Try different combinations of herbs until you find your favorite flavors.

1 cup (7 oz/200 g) dried beans, any variety
1/3 cup (2 oz/50 g) dried peas
2 cups (9 oz/255 g) carrots, diced
2 cups (14.25 oz/404 g) potatoes, peeled and diced
1 cup (5.25 oz/149 g) rutabaga, diced
1 medium-size onion, chopped
2 teaspoons (10 ml) dried summer savory
1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml) dried thyme
1/2 cup fresh or frozen parsley, chopped
2 cups (2 oz/50 g) cooked chicken (optional)
1 cup (4 oz/113 g) zucchini or pumpkin, grated (optional)

Soak the dried beans and peas in cold water for 8 hours (or overnight).

Fill the Crock-pot one-third full with water. Add the carrots, potatoes, rutabaga, onion, beans, and peas. (If you decided to include them, add the cooked chicken and pumpkin or zucchini as well.) Let simmer for 3 hours, or until the vegetables are almost tender.

Add the summer savory, thyme, and parsley. Let simmer for another 1-2 minutes, or until vegetables are completely tender. Serve hot.


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