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Upgrading Fedora Using Yum

/!\ Although upgrades with yum have been tested and work, live upgrades are not recommended by the Fedora Project. If you are not prepared to resolve issues on your own if things break, you should probably use the recommend installation methods instead. With a typical installation, this method usually works well, but it can break third-party packages not available in the Fedora repositories. Please search the mailing list archives first if you run into problems.

The recommended installation method is detailed in the following guide:


Other details on upgrading Fedora is available from


(!) Notes on Apt-rpm is available from [WWW]

Upgrade FC1 to FC2
  • Just Upgrade using anaconda - save yourself a world of pain.

Upgrade FC2 to FC3

  1. modify /etc/apt/source.list
    • replace "rpm Fedora os updates cle freshrpms" by "rpm Fedora os updates cle freshrpms"
  2. Run "apt-get dist-upgrade"
  3. Modify grub.conf : "acpi=on"
  4. Go here for most of this info: [WWW]

Upgrade FC3 to FC4
  • make sure you're on the latest version of yum for FC3:

    •  yum update yum 

  • Download fedora-release for FC4:

  • Once you have updated, run: yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop Environment" (change GNOME to KDE if appropriate). That'll get you some new packages that were added in FC4 like Evince and NetworkManager.

    • Some new groups were added -  yum grouplist  - check out Eclipse and Java Development in particular.

Upgrade FC4 to FC5
Start this upgrade as
yum upgrade
on vanilla FC4 just updates the system to latest package versions in FC4 repository. Also, i did not wanted to fiddle with yum.conf manually as the system under consideration is my production system! So no risks atall… or i would have to use my test system (which i'm still to get) as my production system. I would certainly not like that… & even my manager wont!

Okay, enough of crap… lets get to business!

NOTE – all steps are to be performed from a root console. You'll need a decent internet connection to make this happen (in real time!) :-P

0. yum update kernel kernel-devel initscripts kudzu
This should update your kernel to latest in FC4. This is an important step!
1. rpm -qa | grep fedora-release
2. if you find something like 「fedora-release-4-2」 as the output, go to step 3, else to step 4
3. rpm -U
This will update your yum configuration to fetch latest fc5 rpm's.
4. rpm -ivh
This will set up your yum repositories to fetch latest rpm's.
5. [optional – steps 5-8] To add livna repositories (extra packages)
rpm -qa | grep livna
6. if you find something like 「livna-release-4-0」, go to step 7, else to step 8
7. rpm -U
8. rpm -ivh
9. yum update yum
This is important as the latest yum package is damn faster than the old one. You'll love the speed!
10. yum upgrade
This will fetch lots of package headers & in the end, you'll need to say 「Y」 to start the actual packages download & install. If you want to skip the 「y/N」 stage, try this
yum -y upgrade
11. Enjoy the coolness!


  • Postgres database in FC4 has a newer incompatible format from the previous versions. Manual dump and restoration is required if you using this database. Look at the postgres documentation for more details on this.

  • kernel requires kernel-utils (or vice-versa) run:

    yum update kernel
    yum remove kernel-2.6.11\*FC3\*
    yum upgrade
  • Takes forever and a day and hangs at:  Reading repository metadata in from local files  This means you have too much crap in your rpmdb and it's taking a while to go through it. Check out how many kernels you have installed: rpm -q kernel kernel-smp and remove the old ones you may also try running: rpm --rebuilddb and see if it helps any. I've found that removing old kernels and rebuilding the rpmdb helped this problem.

  • x86_64 upgrade requires removal of certain i386 packages before update

    yum remove perl.i386
    TODO: Add list of bonobo i386 packages to remove here
  • Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package koffice koffice was removed from Fedora Core and not moved to extras - so there's no way to complete an upgrade to FC4 without removing it. run:

    yum remove koffice

    then your update should complete.

  • x86_64 systems seems to hang during "Running Transaction Test"

    Seems related to [WWW] Bug 155730 -- Maybe a update to the "rpm-4.3.3-3.0.fc3" (currently in updates-testing) might solve this. Ugly workaround (to be done as root):

    : > /var/log/lastlog


  • GPG check fails with this message :

    warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID db42a60e
    public key not available for <some_package>
    Retrieving GPG key from file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora

    The GPG key at file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora (0x4F2A6FD2)
    is already installed but is not the correct key for this package.
    Check that this is the correct key for the "Fedora Core 4 - i386 - Base" repository.

    Edit /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo and replace the line



  • SELinux gets messed up. I had to redownload the selinux-policy-targeted RPM from my mirror, do a forced uninstall of the old package, clean out the .rpmnew and .rpmsave files then install the new policy. Then I had to run "/sbin/fixfiles relabel" and wait. If I didn't do that, I found I couldn't log in.

    • If SELinux does give you problems, it can be disabled on bootup by pressing "a" on the grub bootup menu, then adding "enforcing=off" to the arguments list.

  • RPM complains about missing diskspace, but there is a lot free. If you are really sure your diskspace is enough, set


    in /etc/yum.conf.The RPM transaction will need a lot of diskspace temporarily (much more than one might think), so be careful. Don't forget to remove that later after the upgrade.

  • Yum complains about files conflicting in the GCC package. This system was upgraded from Fedora Core 1. Remove the gcc32 package:

    sudo rpm -e gcc32
  • Some of your modules don't load after the upgrade. When you investigate modprobe doesn't work as expected. Run depmod:

    sudo depmod -ae -F /boot/[your `uname -a` kernel version here]


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