IBM XL C/C++ Compiler Advanced Edition Macintosh OS X

Product Overview

The IBM XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition compiler for Macintosh OS X is a high performance compiler based on the mature compiler technology of IBM XL C/C++ for AIX. The version designed for OS X generates very fast code and is provided as a command line compiler. For users who prefer an integrated development environment, IBM XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition compiler is compatible with the Absoft Pro Fortran v9.0 IDE. The IDE integrates a programmer's editor, powerful debugger, gui for the IBM compilers and other tools. All XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition purchases from Absoft include the full XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition version 6.0 for OS X plus the Absoft Fx2™ Debugging Solution™ and technical support at no additional charge. For users who do not own Absoft Pro Fortran, the IDE is available separately. More...

Notice: IBM XL C/C++ Advanced Edition V6.0 for Mac OS X is not supported on Mac OS X Version 10.4 - Tiger

可惜無法安裝在 Tiger 上 ! 可見IBM已和Apple漸走漸遠了, 形同陌路.
原本想升級到 10.4.6 可以有機會用IBM的C/C++ compiler; 可見10.4.6
並不如 Apple 所號稱的 "可以增進跟第三方應用軟體的相容性" .



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