Vmware how to

From OSx86

Note: There is also a new guide for installing this natively on your hard drive here (http://www.xplodenet.com).

How to install Darwin 8.0 and OSx86 On VMware 5.0

Tutorial 1.9 - The "OSx86 IS BACK! HERE IT IS!" Edition, last updated by Twigletesque on 11/08/05

I provide the usual "no guarantees" that you won't do something stupid as a result of using this, but as far as I can tell if you follow this from scratch you'll end up with a perfectly working Darwin8.0 OSX x86 install. Please note - SOME intelligence is required. I don't treat you like an utter n00b. ;) For the record I am running an AMD64 3200+ with lowly SSE2 rather than SSE3. The process is the same no matter what. So... ready? Here we go!

What You'll Need

  • VMware 5.0 (http://www.vmware.com/products/desktop/ws_features.html). Either the Windows or Linux flavour, your choice.
  • PearPC (http://pearpc.sourceforge.net/): You need to have installed the Developer's DVD (I'm hoping you have it legally) and have a fully bootable copy of Tiger. I used the 6GB HD image (http://www.pearpc.net/links.php). I'm assuming here that you'll be able to install this DVD on your own in VMware - if you need help, check out this guide (http://wiki.pearpc.net/index.php/InstallTigerWithoutPanther)
  • Darwin 8.0.1 install CD/ISO (http://mirror.services.wisc.edu/mirrors/apple/darwin/darwin/8.0.1/).
  • A processor - ANY processor - which supports AT LEAST SSE2. If you can't find this information out easily you're best off just stopping now, okay?
  • The patched oah750d, "ditto.tgz" and "CoreGraphics.tgz" found here (http://www.strengholt-online.nl/osx_howto/index.htm)

Place these in an ISO created with UltraISO (http://www.ezbsystems.com/ultraiso/), along with ApplePS2Controller.kext (which is found on the Darwin CD).

  • The fake .vmdk file
  • Along with those, some time, patience, willingness to accept that Darwin is a spiteful, occasionally random Pile O' Suck [t.m.] and yet more patience. Common sense? Also good to have. Just remember NOT to type the " marks! ;) So...



1. Create your virtual machine in VMware. Set guest OS to FreeBSD or Other, give it as much hard drive space as you can afford.

2. Run VMware with the Darwin 8.01 install ISO. Hit Esc and boot from CD.

3. Let Darwin boot from the CD image. All being well, you should see the VMware drive listed above the command prompt.

4. Enter "1" to install it on the VMware HD.

5. Enter "2" to partition the HD manually.

6. Enter "y" to initialize the partition table.

7. Enter the following, hitting enter after each:

"auto hfs" (to automatically create partitions using the HFS+ filesystem) "update" (otherwise it won't boot after installation) "write" "quit"

8. Answer the questions on the screen as you would normally do (use HFS+ as filesystem)

9. Then it will say "error: unknown filesystem type:" Just press enter to reboot.

10. Remember; Boot from the CD again! When it has booted again, enter 1 to choose first HD as before, then press 3 to use the existing partitions.

11. Continue the installation normally as before. For reference I called my volume "osxvol" and hostname "osxbox". My PearPC hard drive under OSX was the default "Untitled 1". You need to use quotemarks around the name if it has a space in it.

12. After the installation has finished, start the virtual machine again by typing "2" to reboot.

13. Set the ISO containing the kexts etc to be the CD drive under VMware now.(kexts is on the Tiger Dev iso)

14. Hit Esc and boot from hard drive this time.

15. Once Darwin is up, login and type "cd /dev" followed by "mkdir /mnt". Then type "/sbin/mount_cd9660 /dev/disk1s0 /mnt".

16. Jump into your Darwin HD by typing "cd /volumes/osxvol"

17. "mkdir junk". "cd /mnt" "ls"

18. Type "cp -RLv oah750d /volumes/osxvol/junk". Repeat this command for each of the files in /mnt (replace oah750d with the relevant filename of course - use the "ls" command if you forgot them). This copies all the needed files to the Darwin drive for ease of use later. Do it now, as after the next step you won't be able to mount a CD until you're in OSX x86 :P

19. Close/"reboot" VMware. Now, if you have used a 6GB PearPC image as I did, just copy it into the folder that contains the VMware Darwin .vmdk, place the fake.vmdk in there too. Change the extension to .txt and edit the "(filename).img" part to match that of the PearPC one. You also need to change the number after RW. Find the number of bytes the PearPC disk is by right-click and selecting properties under Windows. Divide this number by 512 and replace the number that is already in the file with the result, then rename it to be a .vmdk again.

20. Add the fake.vmdk to VMware as a second HD ("Use an existing disk", then point it to the fake.vmdk), then boot VMware again. If VMware complains, you probably need to double-check the number and .img name match your PearPC one.

21. Log in, then "cd /junk". This should be where you stored the files a minute ago.

22. Type "cp -RLv ApplePS2Controller.kext /volumes/"Untitled 1"/System/Library/Extensions". (Obviously replace "Untitled 1" with the name you gave the hard drive under OSX - that is NOT the .img name remember :P).

23. Type "cp -RLv oah750d /volumes/"Untitled 1"/usr/libexec/oah" to copy the patched rosetta to the OSX PearPC image. You MUST have the patched version or you could be in for disappointment.

24. Type "cp -RLv /volumes/"untitled 1"/system/library/privateframeworks/bom.framework /system/library/privateframeworks". This copies the Bom framework which is (I think...) needed by ditto.

25. Extract ditto by typing tar xpvfz ditto.tgz. Ignore the "A lone zero block..." message. Everything is just fine. Extract CoreGraphics.tgz using the same command. Again, ignore the error.

26. Type the incredibly long command "cp -RLv CoreGraphics /volumes/"untitled 1"/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/" NOTE: As I am unsure of the correct syntax also run "cp -RLv CoreGraphics /volumes/"untitled 1"/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A" (no / at the end this time!) just to be safe. (Someone tell me which version is correct!) This copies the patched CoreGraphics to the relevant location. Hopefully I haven't broken that command somehow as has happened a few times now... ;) (N.B. Possibly people with SSE3 can skip this step. I am unsure. If someone wants to try and tell me, then I'll add the result in here thanks!)

27. Type "./ditto -rsrc /volumes/"untitled 1" /" and in theory you're now copying the PearPC stuff onto the VMware Darwin install. This is pretty much it people..! Takes a long while, particularly from the 6GB image but it's all good. It'll dump you to a prompt when it is done. You'll see two mesages relating to Bom.framework while the process is ongoing. Again don't pay them any attention. Go do something else even. Listen to music. Play that uber-good F.E.A.R. demo. Go on. "Extreme" difficulty demands it. Spam pcbuilderchris@yahoo.com*. Read up on STALKER - Shadow of Chernobyl. Screw. Whatever. ;)

28. Here it goes..! "reboot". With any luck you'll see the lovely sight of OSX x86 booting up. Give it a good few minutes. Damn thing takes its time. DO NOT REBOOT once it gets to the desktop until you have done the next step, else you've just screwed up as it won't reboot.

29. Get into Disk Utility. Again I assume you know how to do this owning a devkit. Select the osxvol (not the PearPC disk) and run RepairPermissions on it. You can now reboot safely.

30. Erm... that's it! Well done assuming you didn't screw everything up. You now have an OSX x86 install ready for future use. Snapshot the virtual machine before you break it and wait for future developments. Or if you know what you're doing, attempt this method using an actual disk in place of the virtual one and see if you can get it working on hardware. Just mind not to break your PC. ;)

Suggested changes etc for this are always welcome. Apparently this works so far as I can tell. This is as far as you can get right now, though some say you can install the VMware tools I don't know the details on that myself yet. Hope this helps some people...


NOTE: Reproduction of this tutorial in part or in full is not allowed unless a link is provided and credit is given to this page. Files will be obtained at your own risk and neither the author "Twigletesque" or anyone else related to OSx86 condones the use of pirated material. DO NOT ask me for files as they will not be given. EVER. Seriously. If I have OP status at the time, it'll be an instant-kick offence to ask me. I'm sick if it already. :P

SPECIAL NOTE: All of the Darwin install information is rewritten from others' earlier progress reports for ease of use. Consider them specially credited as he was exceedingly helpful and patient towards me, and I know he has been to others as well. ;)

OTHER THANKS: Thanks also go to the very helpful people in #OSx86.deep who helped with some of the filepath and other Darwin info, including Fr3DBR - whose semi-working-semi-messed-up tutorial that I recently called "horrific" and various other things inspired me to beat it. ;) I'd also like to thank "macgirl" who I don't know, but who first hinted at this method. Nice work.

DISCLAIMER: The OSx86 Project simply allowed me to place this How-To Guide in their wiki. After speaking with their administration, it should be known that they in no way encourage the use of pirated data or circumventing copyrights. This information is hosted for educational purposes only.

(*)No really, don't spam him. I was kidding. Unless you want to anyway.


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