天文科學軟體套件 Scisoft
Scisoft 天文軟件集成系統是由歐洲南方天文台整理維護的常用天文軟體工具程式庫。最近,ESO發佈了Scisoft最新版VI,集成了IRAF、MIDAS、IDL、 Gildas等數據處理軟件,SAOImage、DS9、XPA、Skycat、fv等圖像顯示工具,SM、PGPLOT、Grace、ggobi等繪圖 工具,Python、MultiDrizzle、PyRAF等編程環境,GSL、DISLIN、LAPACK、FFTW、CFITSIO等科學程序庫,以 及wcstools、Terapix Software Tools、Xephem、dss&dss2等常用工具。
Scisoft 天文軟件集成系統是由歐洲南方天文台整理維護的常用天文軟體工具程式庫。最近,ESO發佈了Scisoft最新版VI,集成了IRAF、MIDAS、IDL、 Gildas等數據處理軟件,SAOImage、DS9、XPA、Skycat、fv等圖像顯示工具,SM、PGPLOT、Grace、ggobi等繪圖 工具,Python、MultiDrizzle、PyRAF等編程環境,GSL、DISLIN、LAPACK、FFTW、CFITSIO等科學程序庫,以 及wcstools、Terapix Software Tools、Xephem、dss&dss2等常用工具。
Scisoft 是一個天文軟體套件,也是歐洲南方天文台(ESO)的一個項目計劃,裡面的大部分軟體套件都是ESO以為的開發,都由ESO集合到這個套件裡。內容有經常使用的資料分析軟體套件(IRAF/STSDAS, ESO-MIDAS 和 IDL等),還有其它一些小型軟體套件。
整個套件是一張光碟,內容是一個壓縮套件,大約500多M,但是解壓之後可以達到2G多。目前該套件只支援Unix類型作業系統和Mac OS,主要是支持Linux。目前最新版是V5,發佈於2003年12月,支持RedHat 9及以後版本。
Data Analysis Systems | Notes |
IRAF 2.12.1-EXPORT |
+ ctio |
Utilities from CTIO |
+ crutil (v1.6) | Cosmic ray utilities from NOAO |
+ gemini | Utilities from the Gemini Telescopes (v1.3) |
+ gemini | Miscellaneous support tasks from the Gemini Telescopes |
+ mxtools | Utilities from NOAO including QDPHOT |
+ guiapps | Graphical applications for IRAF |
+ xdimsum | Enhanced IR data reduction and mosaicing software (Jan 2002 version) |
+ ifocas | object detection and classification software (April 2001 version) |
+ dimsum v2 | IR data reduction and mosaicing software |
+ color |
Utilities for creating colour images |
+ fitsutil |
FITS utilities |
+ mscred v4.6 |
Mosaic camera CCD reduction tasks from NOAO |
+ esowfi 1.3 | March 2001 Version |
+ eis v1.8 | ESO Imaging Survey IRAF tasks (EIS Drizzle etc) - UPDATED |
+ rvsao v2.2.5 | Spectral Radial Velocity package from CfA |
+ nmisc | IRAF miscellany |
+ xccdred | CCD reduction for multi-port chips |
+ stecf v1.5 | Utilities from ST-ECF, including polarimetry reduction and spectral restoration packages - UPDATED |
+ stsdas/tables 3.0 | HST data analysis and tables systems - UPDATED |
eclipse-4.2.0 | Includes ISAAC, CONICA, WFI, Python, Lua and ADONIS add-ons |
ESO-MIDAS | 03FEB pl1.2 version - UPDATED |
IDL V6.0 | Interactive Data Language from RSI. Commercial package, requires license - UPDATED |
+ ASTRON March 25th 2002 | Goddard ASTRON IDL astronomical procedure library (Feb. 2003) - UPDATED |
+ StarFinder | IDL adaptive optics photometry software |
+ JHUAPL Library | IDL procedure collection from Johns Hopkins |
+ ATV | an interactive display tool for IDL |
Gildas (Feb 2000) | Radio astronomy applications from IRAM (full applications set) |
DIFMAP V2.3c | Interactive program for radio synthesis imaging from Caltech |
Image Display Servers | Notes |
x11iraf V1.3.1 | May 2000 version, including ximtool and xgterm - UPDATED |
SAOImage V1.29.3 | The original, needs 8bit Xserver |
SAOtng V1.9.1 | Part of the SAO RD suite |
DS9 V3.0b5 | Latest display server from SAO. Works with 24bit X servers - UPDATED |
Skycat V2.7.3 | ESO image display tool with catalogue and image server access - UPDATED |
fv V3.2 | Interactive fits viewer |
Graphics Software | Notes |
SM 2_4_2 | SuperMONGO - Note: NOT included in EXPORT version |
PGPLOT 5.2 | Graphics library |
gnuplot 3.7 | Command-line driven interactive function plotting utility |
Grace-5.1.10 | 2D WYSIWYG plotting tool - UPDATED |
ggobi V0.9.2 | Data visualisation in 3D |
xgobi | Data visualisation in Dd |
Scripting Languages | Notes |
Python 2.2.1 | General purpose, object orientated, extensible scripting language. Includes Numeric 21.0 Scientific 2.0 RV Gnuplot 1.5 Imaging 1.1.4 PyRAF 1.1B1 Pmw pCFITSIO 0.98.9 slalib 0.4 posix _sre readline _locale thread gdbm zlib fcntl pwd grp errno select mmap _socket termios _tkinter rotor new binascii cStringIO & cPickle packages - UPDATED |
PyRAF 1.1B1 | Python replacement for IRAF cl - UPDATED |
PyDrizzle V4.3 | Drizzling software - NEW |
MultiDrizzle V1.2.1 | Drizzling software - NEW |
Scientific Libraries | Notes |
GSL V1.4 | The GNU Scientific Library - NEW |
DISLIN 8.1 | Scientific Data Plotting software - UPDATED |
CFITSIO 2470 | FITS File Subroutine Library - UPDATED |
LAPACK Release 3.0 | Linear Algebra Subroutine Library |
BLAS | Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms |
Miscellaneous Utilities | Notes |
wcstools 3.0.5 | World Coordinate System software tools and library from Doug Mink at SAO |
Terapix Software Tools | A Selection: SExtractor 2.3 - UPDATED, SWarp 1.31 - UPDATED, & WeightWatcher 1.3 |
Tiny Tim V6.1 (April 2003) | HST point-spread function simulation software - UPDATED |
Xephem V3.4 | Planetarium and ephemeris software |
dss & dss2 | Digitized Sky Survey image extraction software |
Cloudy 94.00 | Plasma simulation and spectral synthesis code (no patches applied) |
HyperZ V1.1 | Photometric Redshift Code |
Hipparcos Transit Tools | small Fortran applications (td2uv and td2gf) for processing transit data |
mirror 2.9 | Mirroring software in Perl |
Latex style files | A collection of style files for astronomical journals - UPDATED |
Product Requirements:
- Mac OS X 10.4 or higher
- Apple X11
另一種方法就是可以向ESO免費索取,這也是ESO為全球天文學工作者奉獻的一份免費大餐,過程很簡單,只需到Scisoft的Order Form上填寫完整的地址及個人資料, 即可在1-2周左右得到這張光碟。